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  1. S

    Signs of a Sound Heart

    thanks alot for posting. Very helpful. jazak Allah Chayrun
  2. S

    Don't be Sad

    yeah nice but I can not hold me back from asking, what if not.... I mean when I do not have feet or a safe home or fresh water... and so on... What is with the brothers n sisters in Irak or Afgahanistan for example. Yes I am not sad because of my own problems now(and they are not small) bbut...
  3. S

    Neglected and alone

    Maybe the reductin of your Iman is because of a sin u comiited -with or without knowing- make tewbe every day and do zikr
  4. S

    is it ok to do somehting without the intention???

    Selam, I´ve got the same problem like u. I sometimes feel bad cuz I know the Qualiti of my prayer is not good. to proof this I asked myself what is my aim in life (to met Allah in cennet) and I wrote it down on a piece of paper. so when I pray I´m in the HOPE that it will help me to reach my...
  5. S

    I wanna do suicide

    salam brother, never give up n stop thinking of death. aslong as u r alive u have the opportunity to repent... (rependance by itself is an hounurable act). at least u know that u r doing wrong n u want to correct yourself. many others comitting sins even do not bother about it. and someone...
  6. S

    Fruits of American Democracy

    this is really very sad. I think no one has the right to judge the sisters just Allah has the right to judge. Where are the muslims? Shame on us for not being able to do anything. I love my sisters and I will make dua for them. Insaallah Allah will give them sabir and strength.