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  1. G

    horrible news

    There are some hard issues that we can not be solve and require to consult with Ulama, but this case is obvious and simple, this was a murder crime not rape, can you tell me if this girl wanted to put an end to her life or she was just trying to escape from those monsters???? use your mind...
  2. G

    horrible news

    Islam is easy and a mercy Brothers and Sisters, who are we to say that this person will go to heaven and this person will go to hell...I beleive in this: God created us and He is alone who to decide and just remember His Great Mercy which no one can imagine.. This girl didnt choose to...
  3. G

    My Conversion Story

    Asalamo Alaikom I read your story brother, Alhamdo lilah, you are the real winner brother, it is really amazing how this Din Islam keep spreading everywhere, Alhamdo lilah. May Allah reward you and bless you your brother Mohamed
  4. G

    Asalamo Alaikom

    Dear brothers and sisters, My name is Mohamed, I am Moroccan but I live now in Australia. I just want to introduce myself and thank everyone who contributes in this valuable forum. Jazakom Allaho Khairan :ma: