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  1. W

    Second Marriage

    Yeas, a man is ALLOWED a maximum of 4 wives. Yet there is a lot attached to that. If you are already have one wife - you have to get her permission before marrying another. You should not be marrying for lust. Each wife shoudl be treated equally - this is not an wasy thing to do. Remember...
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    Questin about HIJAB?

    I do not agree that hijab i spreserve tradition. We, as women, wear the hijab for Allah NOT for tradition
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    For Jack Straw

    I do not think that women are been equated to jewels, money is the value of women in Islam. It does not necessairly refer to the niqaab.....remember, Muslim women dress modestly ad we cover our heads - thus we are safeguarding our beauty not necessarily the face) but our bodies for...
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    Big problem in France.

    The Quran can never be changed but Islam is adaptable. I believe that we can build our lives around Islam but it a faith that can withstand the changes which we are experiencing in the modern world.
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    Democrats seize control of US House

    I do not care if a Republican or Democrat is elected president in the States. All that I am cncerned about is their treatment and attitude towards Muslim countries. I hope that whoever is elected will start viweing the Islamic world as equals and not as people to be conquered and "educated"...
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    I am so happy for you!!! Its a pity about all of the South Africans who had been dissapointed. We here in South Africa have been monitoring this situation and are not impressed by the way the South African Hajj and Umrah Council (SAHUC) have handled it
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    Saddam Hussein will be executed by end of 2006

    I firmly believe that Saddam must be punished for his atrocities against the Iraqis. My main problem is that at the height of his reign, the US had supplied him with weapons and financial backing as well. When will the US government be taken to court for their atrocities against the Iraqi -...
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    What is the ruling on women wearing high heels?

    My husband doesn't mind me wearing heels. AS he says - he can actually look in my eyes and not down on me LOL. I wear high heels but they do not make a noise when i walk and because of teh way in which O dress my "adornments" are not exposed
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    What is the reason for the prohibition on pork?

    The prohibition on pork is for one reason and that is a health issue. Pihs have many worms within their bodies and their flesh...tjis can cause harm to humans when ingested.
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    Is Saddam Innocent..?? Forget America..

    He is not innocent..he murdered many people. His daughters husbands included - they died by his own hand. I do not have any sympathy for him
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    Question...might be offensive. :-(

    I believe that we will only be condemned to hell through our actions. Another hell and heaven really exist? Or is this Allah's way of testing us by "dangling a carrot" Its a way of testing us - with a reward at the end
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    Questin about HIJAB?

    My personal belief is that we should all dress modestly - that i the most important thing. We are not to display our bodies but cover it. This does not mean that we have to be wearing tents. We can dress modestly and still be modern in our dress
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    that is so true and i fear that is why many Muslims are choosing not to wear any clothing relating to an Ilsamic wasy of dress because of the discrimination which is rife all over the world
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    Did you know that....?

    Do not forget - Iraq has major oil reserves. Saddam at the peak of his power was supported financially and with weapons by the US government. The Saudi governemnt has allowed the US to have military bases in their country...why? Who rules Saudi Arabia - the Saudis or the US?
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    For Jack Straw

    This sums all the misconceptions re Islam and women dressing modestly :blackhijab:
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    salaam I am a new member and I am going to say my shahada on thursday

    Congratulations on your decision. I too embraced Islam (nearly 4 years ago) and it was teh best decision I have ever made. It will not be an easy journey but enjoy it to the:hijabi: fullest
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    An Orphan's Eid

    :girl3: always sad to think of all teh little kids who do not have homes and families to love them
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    Video New Muslims After 911 Allison Poole & Barbara Cartabuke Muslim after september 11

    I embraced Islam but becasue I live in South Africa I luckily do not experience the predigous which the American reverts experience on a daily basis. We must keep them in our duas