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  1. ditta

    Keys to Seeking Knowledge Program Book 1 to 17 Uthman Al-Khamees

    As salaamu alaykum, Working on these videos with subtitles. The 1st video needs updating as a little low quality so expect it to change. Rest should be fine. If anyone watches and notices anything wrong in the subtitles then let me know. You can get the accompanying books from here...
  2. ditta

    Shu'ab al-Eman by Imam al-Bayhaqi

    Checked by Mukhtar an-Nadwi. I've found it a great read as I've been sharing narrations with family and relatives. The branches of faith and the offshoots of it. Contains some weak and unknown narrations but there is a good lesson in them. Feel free to share your thoughts.
  3. ditta

    Long time no see

    Alhamdulilah all well. Work, and family keeps you busy. Still learning and keep moving forward. Feels like not enough time sometimes. Agree about current affairs. Shows the baseness of our time. And how are you?
  4. ditta

    Long time no see

    As salaamu alaykum, Decided to log in after so many years. Hope everyone is well.
  5. ditta

    Allahu Akbar! Announcement: `Eid is tomorrow (Thursday)

    As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah, Taqabbal Allahu minna wa minkum, and Ameen to all the supplications. Eid Mubarak. Enjoy it.
  6. ditta

    Jazaka Allahu Khayra.

    Jazaka Allahu Khayra.
  7. ditta

    As salaamu alaykum, I hope you are well and Ramadan is going well In sha Allah. Could you...

    As salaamu alaykum, I hope you are well and Ramadan is going well In sha Allah. Could you possibly shed some light in this thread please?
  8. ditta

    Why don't you pray?

    I have only listened to CD1 and a couple of the tracks for CD2. I'm afraid I am unable to shed any further light on the two issues you mentioned. It sounded strange to me as well. Hopefully someone else can clarify. Possible some further information in the other Tafaseer books? I don't have...
  9. ditta

    Alhamdulillah Getting Married

    Wa alaykum us salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, Congratulations brother. May Allah fill your marriage with happiness, and joy. Ameen. Take care.
  10. ditta

    Why don't you pray?

    As salaamu alaykum, I thought I would further share this after it was shared with me. I think it is by Ahmad Jibril. May Allah make us among those who are consistent in their prayers. Ameen.
  11. ditta

    Life With The Ahmad Family (Comic Series)

    Wa alaykum us salaam, This gave me a light chuckle. Jazaki Allahu Khayr. May Allah make us among those who are consistent in their worship. Ameen.
  12. ditta

    The Virtue of Fasting and Standing for Prayer at Night During Ramadhan

    I don't know sister. I think the two links below seem to address it. I posted that nearly 4 years ago, and if I recall correctly I posted it because of the notion that dieing in Ramadan causes a person to go straight to Jannah more than for the second portion.
  13. ditta

    Bro from Manchester!!

    Wa alaykum us salaam wa rahmatullah, Welcome to the forum brother. Take care.
  14. ditta

    The Virtue of Fasting and Standing for Prayer at Night During Ramadhan

    As salaamu alaykum, A good piece of advice that In sha Allah might be helpful.