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  1. H

    About Today's Muslims..??

    :salam2: Why today we muslims don't follow the rules of ISLAM..?? What is the accurate meaning of IKHLAQ..?? How we implement IKHLAQ in our daily life and why we muslims loose IKHLAQ..??? isn't this true that if we just implement IKHLAQ in our daily life then our all problems will...
  2. H

    About Women....

    :salam2: i just wana asking that why today's women not wearing hijaab, why they don't cover their head, thr whole body through proper cloths..??? why they prefer a bad cloths and why they use so thin cloths..??? Today our sisters why don't use dupatas on their head even when they are at...
  3. H

    What is the Punishment...???

    :salam2: Now a days this boyfriend/girlfriend relation is everywhere.... Will you people please inform me about the punishment of that boy who kissing the girlfriend on face, lips and on her secret parts and also touching and seeing her secret parts but do not doing zina with girlfriend...
  4. H

    about Moulana Romi..??

    :salam2: will anyone guide me about Moulana Romi that which type of man he was because i don't about him so that is why i am asking about him... Thank you....
  5. H

    Kindly Give Me a Proper Advice

    :salam2: I wanna asking question related my girlfriend. Kindly guide me in a very good way thank you. My question is that: My age is 24 years My girlfriend age is 16 years I have a girlfriend since from the previous 9 months and we love each other too much. In islam girlfriend is not...
  6. H

    Assalam O Alaikum

    hi its me haris haleem and i am new to this form... i need to know solution about my problems that i have...??? :salam2: