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  1. aimforjannah

    Question: aaaaa

    Walaikum AsSalam, Arabic is the language of the Quran. I find it very beneficial to master it. If you go to Hajj you need or can benefit and can read signs for places, stores etc. Then most advise I can give is that you will truly learn the words of your LORD as revealed in the Quran. May...
  2. aimforjannah

    Sisters Advice for Sisters Who Are thinking About Wearing The Niqab

    AsSalamu Alaikum Sister, I reverted to Islam almost four years ago. From day one I longed to wear Niqab. I longed for the intimate relationship with's Greatttttt. I have discovered that the people that had the most issue with my wearing niqab were Muslim women...not my salafi...
  3. aimforjannah

    Their days

    AsSalamu Alaikum my Sisters, Just a reminder about the upcoming days in December. Keep in mind that celebrations of any kinds, accepting gifts on these days, parties ect... are a direct opposite of Islamic teachings. As a person that grew up in Shirk and reverted to Islam I know oh so...