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  1. S

    Baby Muslimah Introduction

    JazakAllah my sistah for the web site...thank to all bro's & sistahs for your responses...I've spent my Sunday almost glued to da screen reading, downloading some beautiful things in Islam...Pray you all have a blessed week insha'Allah. Salam Alaykum (Baby Muslimah) :hearts:
  2. S

    Ideal Muslimah

    Salam sistah on a beautiful piece...I may print it to put on my wall if that's OK with you...something to read & remind me of how I need to become as a (new) muslim woman! Salam Alaykum (Baby Muslimah)
  3. S

    Baby Muslimah Introduction

    Oh I forgot to say my brothers & sistahs that sometimes I'm on the bus travelling from one place to another and time overlaps for Salat, so I been coming home and doing the missed prayer & the next prayer! Salam Baby Muslimah
  4. S

    Baby Muslimah Introduction

    JazakAllah for all responses...I really feel my family forming here insha'Allah & will contribute my little bit here and there insha'Allah. Salam Baby Muslimah
  5. S

    Baby Muslimah Introduction

    Salam Alaykum sistahs & brothers...I recently took my Shahada (8 weeks ago) and cannot stop reading about Islam...coming from a Christian background I was not feeling the peace within..had so many questions & thanks to Allah I have much peace within. Pls help me here, if I don't...