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  1. K

    Are woman allowed to go mosques and pray?

    I have read the above responses very closely and strongly believe that there is no bar on women to go to masjid. As far as fitnah is concerned. I have a question didnt rape occured at that time? Were there no hypocrites in the masjid at that time? Anyone who says woman should not be allowed...
  2. K

    I need help

    hello, I am also having the same problem this Ramadaan. So I will also be following this thread very closely.
  3. K

    Salaam Walikum from Karachi

    I hope all you people are having a good Ramadaan. I am 26 years old accountant. It's just for last 4 years I have identified the differences in culture and deen, and I am proud to say Islam is the perfect system for its followers. I have been using this site for a while but never participated...