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  1. M


    what does KALMA-E-TAYYEBA mean or what is it thanxz
  2. M

    can water go in your ears when your fasting

    asalam u alaikum brothers and sisters at a duscussion i went to at a mosque the sheik said you cant put water in you ears when your fasting but many people disagree is it true or not
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    Can we use a toothbrush/toothpaste while fasting?

    yes you can yes you can although it is recommended that you dont and if you do you cant go to far back and if you swallow some your fast will be broken also there is a hadith where the prophet said during Ramadan when people are fasting allah loves the ones with bad breath for being so humble
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    first ramadan

    do not worry ease your mind and allah will lead you as a new muslims and try to let people you know help you by calling you when it is time to pray and never neglect pray no matter how busy you are i can guarantee you that if you pray 5 times a day, make dua, and in general be a good muslim...
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    would you marry

    of course that should be the furthest thing on your mind when getting married for the sisters as long as he is muslim than that is all there is ethnicity isnt important as for the brothers you may marry anyone of your choosing as long as it is in a halal way i am an american brother and plan...
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    no one knows for sure when ramadan starts so

    dont be confused brother abdul as long as you have the intention allah will be happy with you so do not burden your mind
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    no one knows for sure when ramadan starts so

    sorry but when you said sistah were you talking about me cuz i am a dude
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    One nation of islam

    wont work it is a good idea but the only major muslim group which will ever survive is the ummah which was abolished in world war 1 although it will takes us one step closer to reuniting the muslims and creating a new ummah so i agree
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    Can you guys pray for me ??

    i will inshahallah i will pray for you although there is no guarantee i forgot which one but there was a caliph that said no matter how much you pray or how many good deeds you have you can achieve nothing without hard work so i hope you take that into consideration and get in to MIT
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    no one knows for sure when ramadan starts so

    yeah but the moon sites at different times in different time zones japan is an entire day ahead of mecca
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    Help required

    question 2 i askes someone for the awnser to ? 2 and they said without mohammed there would be no islam so that is basically the main reason he is so sacred to islam
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    no one knows for sure when ramadan starts so

    okay like since no one knows for sure when ramadan starts can everyone tell me when they are starting cuz i want to start on the earliest day possible where i live (california) we start on thursday but if anyone is starting before that let me know
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    Can anyone educate me why allahs names are beautiful

    awnser if you spoke arabic fluently then you would know why the things they mean are so pure say the merciful or the beneficient is different then saying AL-RAHMAN or AL-RAHIM also you have to say it with meaning like your soul can feel it and then you will truely know why it is...
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    making the intention to fast

    hey everyone can someone tell me that little thing you have to say when making the intention to fast the next day for ramadan jazakullah
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    things that break your fast

    many people have been asking for a list of all the things that break a fast during ramadan i only know a few so can you guys help me out and post a list
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    Help required

    only question 3 i cant really give a good awnser for question 1 and 2 but i can for number 3 those propthets were sent to help their people because their people were going through really tough time and were preparing the world for when mohammed would be sent down and to set an example for...
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    i went to a discussion at a mosque about sajdah yesterday the only problem is i dont know what sajdah is so i didnt really get the discussion can someone please explain jazakullah