Search results

  1. Faiza619

    Sign Petition for Gaza

    :salam2: The Free Gaza Now - 1,5 million signatures for 1,5 million humans in Gaza Petition to UN, Arab League, OIC was created by and written by Ahmed Mechari ([email protected]). The petition is hosted here at as a public...
  2. Faiza619

    25 Duahs

    :salam2: my dear brothers and sisters. in shaa Allah this will find you all in good health and strong emaan. (And when My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them): I respond to the dua (prayer) of every suppliant when they calleth on Me - Quran 2:186) ربنا آتنا في...
  3. Faiza619

    The Life of Jesus as Revealed to Mary

    :salam2: /12/2008 - Religious - Article Ref: IC0612-3186 By: Lex Hixon IslamiCity* - Interpretation and Meditation on Holy Quran 3:45-55 The angels called: "Dearest Mary, listen. Allah Most High sends you joyous news of the Divine Word, emanating directly from the Source of Love...
  4. Faiza619

    The Conversion of Umar ibn al-Khattab

    :salam2: Umar was exasperated by the turn of events. He decided the only thing that could be done was to kill the Prophet. This was the surest means of putting an end to the disorder and sedition that were welling up and endangering Meccan society as a whole. He went out of his house, his...
  5. Faiza619

    Middle Name Phobia!

    :salam2: Despite a history in America as old as the history of first European settlers, Islam is still viewed with fear and suspicion in America .. Middle Name Phobia! 3/1/2008 - Political Social - Article Ref: IC0802-3528 Number of comments: 12 Opinion Summary: Agree:5 Disagree:4...
  6. Faiza619

    A True Love Story

    :salam2: 2/12/2008 - Social Religious Family - Article Ref: IC0802-3511 Number of comments: 5 By: Hesham Hassaballa IslamiCity* - In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate She was one of the noblest women around, coming from a very prominent family. She...
  7. Faiza619

    Zakaat Maal

    :salam2: My dear brothers and Sisters, i have one question that has been bothering me. It is about zakaat Almaal I am a working Sister who wants to give zakaat Almaal but i dont know if i give it from all my salary or from the remaining money after using some. Secondly do i give it monthly...
  8. Faiza619

    Wooden Bowl

    :salam2: I received this story from my friend and loved to share it with you The Wooden Bowl I guarantee you will remember the tale of the Wooden Bowl tomorrow, a week from now, a month from now, a year from now. A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and...
  9. Faiza619

    Brother Mabsoot

    :salam2: Brother Mabsoot,:salam2: I think you deserve these million thanks for this wonderful forum you have started by Allah's strength. May Allah make this new year full of peace, love and may he strengthen our Eemaan and make able to bear life as it is because all that is from Him for he...
  10. Faiza619


    :salam2: Dear Brothers and Sisters kindly help me with this i heard somewhere that MURJAAN (Coral) which is mentioned in the Quraan, Surah Arahman, verse 22(( يخرج منها اللؤلؤ و المرجان out of them come pearls and corals.)). A man can drink it (almurjan) not more than 3 times a day and a...
  11. Faiza619


    :salam2: Dear Brothers and sisters, This is just a fictious story but it is very tru since a lot of us would very much like to do away with our mothers in law. Some even consider them MONSTERS IN LAW. This is very unislamic. hope you learn from this story A long time ago in China, a girl...
  12. Faiza619


    :salam2: One of my friends sent me this and i just had to share it with you 7 Reasons to Read the Glorious Quran By: Shabir Aly (1) Inimitable It dares you to disprove it. How? It says that humans can not write a book like this even if they pooled all their resources together and...
  13. Faiza619

    دعاء فك الكرب

    دعاء فك الكرب لا اله الا الله الحليم الكريم لا اله الا الله العلى العظيم لا اله الا الله رب السموات السبع ورب العرش العظيم ((اذا كان نشرها سيرهقك فلا تنشرها فلن تستحق اخذ ثوابها لان ثوابها عظيم)) أحد السلف كان أقرع الرأس أبرص البدن أعمى العينين مشلول القدمين واليدين وكان يقول ...
  14. Faiza619

    طفلان عاشا في القبر 15 يوم

    :salam2: سيدة توفى زوجها وهى فى الشهور الأولى من الحمل وكانت لديها منه ابنة فى الرابعة تقريبا من عمرها وعندما اقتربت الولادة شعرت السيدة بأنها قد يتوفاها ملك الموت أثناء هذه الولادة فطلبت من أخيها أن يراعى بنتها والمولود الجديد فى حالة وفاتها ويبدو أنها كانت شفافة الروح وكانت تشعر بما...
  15. Faiza619

    Black Caraway Seeds Haba Soda

    :salam2: THE BLACK CARAWAY SEEDS (HABASODA - HABATIL BARAKAH A REMEDY FOR ALL DISEASES EXCEPT DEATH) The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, told us about an effective medicine which can cure all diseases except death. He said: "use the black caraway for, indeed, it is a...
  16. Faiza619

    say not even fie to parents

    Say not even "Fie" to Parents (Your mother, your mother, your mother.) By: Dr. Ahmad H. Sakr 1) INTRODUCTION In America there are many special days set aside to honor and appreciate special people. Some of these are: Father's Day...
  17. Faiza619

    Assala Aleikum from Yemen

    :salam2: i am a sister from Yemen, my name is Faiza Aljabry When i first saw this site i was so excited because now i can learn more about my religion i hope i will benefit from this site as well as all my brothers and sisters :ma:
  18. Faiza619

    Asalam Aleikum everyone

    :salam2: Ramadhan Mubarak and Saum AMqbul inshaalah i have a question. please help me i was just informed that each and every day of ramadhan has its own benefit so i would like to know about it plus the name of the book jazaak Allahu kheiran :wasalam:
  19. Faiza619

    Asalam Aleikum everyone

    :mashallah: i am a new mwmber to your site and i am already fast gaining and learning things about my religion Jazakum Allah Kheiran and Ramadhan Karim May Allah Accept all your Saum and Qiyam and Duaas