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  1. N

    Wanting to cure my ignorance

    Good For You! As a fellow American, I appreciate your honesty and clear-sightedness to seek the truth rather than listen to those who only wish to speak ill of Islam. I would also recommend; Reza Aslan's "No God, But God." and any writings by a good friend of mine Hatem Bazian who teaches...
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    prof. convert to islam!!!!!

    Our family grows! Al'humdillilah! All praise to Allah for this new addition to our beloved family. What a great honor it is to be Muslim and so accepted and loved the moment one revert's. I remember the special welcome I received when I first said Shehada, it is a feeling one never forgets...
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    My First Arabic Prayers

    I've been thinking about sharing this for the last couple of days and I hope it's the right forum to do so. When I first did Shehada, I remember my good friend and Imam telling me that I should try and learn the prayers in Arabic as soon as I could. I felt confidant that I could, but when...
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    Where else but Palestine? :SMILY139:
  5. N

    What would you do if....?

    Parents of a different time and generation. Asalam Allakum dear brothers and sisters. One should not try and go against our parents, but as a brother mentioned earlier in this thread, parents do not always do the right thing. More than likely they are reacting to how White people in general...
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    Weekly Podcast on Palestine

    Asalam Alakum Brothers and Sisters, I wanted to share with you all a site that I have maintained for over the last year. It centers on the issues concerning Palestine and you can go to this link: I produce and host a weekly podcast called, Crossing The Line: Life...
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    Israel’s Chief Rabbi calls for ethnic cleansing of non-Jews in Palestine

    Thank you sister for this article. I lived and worked in Palestine for three years in Al Khalil and the continuing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is made only worse by the world and in particular the Arab world's complicity in allowing it to happen. I have many friends who live in Gaza that I...
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    Asalam Alakum! I'm honored to be amongst my fellow brothers and sisters. I reverted to Islam two yeas ago, al'humdillilah, and have never felt such love and acceptance. I pray Allah's blessings upon all of you and hope you might help me to know the true path, in'shallah, that God has set out...