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  1. N

    My First Arabic Prayers

    I've been thinking about sharing this for the last couple of days and I hope it's the right forum to do so. When I first did Shehada, I remember my good friend and Imam telling me that I should try and learn the prayers in Arabic as soon as I could. I felt confidant that I could, but when...
  2. N

    Weekly Podcast on Palestine

    Asalam Alakum Brothers and Sisters, I wanted to share with you all a site that I have maintained for over the last year. It centers on the issues concerning Palestine and you can go to this link: I produce and host a weekly podcast called, Crossing The Line: Life...
  3. N


    Asalam Alakum! I'm honored to be amongst my fellow brothers and sisters. I reverted to Islam two yeas ago, al'humdillilah, and have never felt such love and acceptance. I pray Allah's blessings upon all of you and hope you might help me to know the true path, in'shallah, that God has set out...