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  1. Umm Ismael

    My life experience make me change and more closer to Allah

    Asselemou Alaikum Sister, Meche Allah, Meche Allah! Subhana Allah!! May Allah grant your father il Jenna. I dont really find other word to say after reading your story, than Subhana Allah! May Allah protect your and your family and accept you and your family among the Salihin...
  2. Umm Ismael

    هل نحمل حقيقة الإسلام

    هل نحمل حقيقة الإسلام هناك فرق شاسع بين الحقيقة والصورة ، خذ صورة أسد أو أي حيوان أكثر منه مهابة فهل ترهب صورته أحداً من الناس !! حتى الطفل الصغير يستطيع أن يمزق صورة الأسد .. والسؤال الذي يطرح نفسه: هل نحمل حقيقة الإسلام فعلا ؟ إن صورة الشيء لا تستطيع أن تسد مكان حقيقته ولا تنوب عنه...
  3. Umm Ismael


    :salam2: " اللهم أرنا الحق حقا وارزقنا اتباعه وأرنا الباطل باطلا وارزقنا اجتنابه ولا تجعله ملتبسا علينا فنضل واجعلنا للمتقين إماما " May Allah guide all our Muslims ladies to the right path. Be sincere and everything will inche Allah come to the right position step by step, inche Allah. Just...
  4. Umm Ismael

    post ur DESKTOP here

    No no no, dont be sorry sister :) :) :) i didnt get hurt at all sister :) :) Meche Allah :) your beloved sis Hajer :) Ameen :) :) Allah bless u :)
  5. Umm Ismael

    post ur DESKTOP here

    :salam2: :) :) yep :) it seems scary but it is sooo meaningful :) :) with all what she is carrying.. at her age.. she is smiling :) :) subhaaaana Allah.. isnt that beautiful? :) to see a person who looks "miserable" who gives you a smile, as if to tell you: "thank Allah for what you have...
  6. Umm Ismael

    post ur DESKTOP here

    Oups! I think that i have to sort out my icons first :) hmmmm, lets put them altogether in a new folder (no one will see the mess, that i had :))
  7. Umm Ismael

    ** 33 Lessons From Surah Yusuf **

    Asselemou Alaikum oua rahmatou Allah oua baraketouhou, I love this Surah, meche Allah. Jezeka Allahu khairan! Salam
  8. Umm Ismael

    Very very important and urgent question

    Asselemou Alaikum oua rahmatou Allah oua baraketouhou, Jezeka Allah khair brother Nayyararsi for this question. Regarding to the post quoted, I think that every muslim should ask about any detail in his life whatever it is "important" or "not". And when people used to come to ask Irassoul...
  9. Umm Ismael

    new muslim girl search muslim sister for talk

    Salam :) Je suis tout autant a ta disposition aussi :) Je parle francais as i am doing here :) mais je vis a paris :( Neamoins, tu peux m'envoyer un PM et on s'echange nos addresses msn si tu veux une soeurette fi Illeh avec qui tu peux parler inche Allah. Ce me ferait plaisir as well :)...
  10. Umm Ismael

    L'amour en Dieu

    :salam2: Wa fika baraka Allah Ameen Ameen :wasalam: Hajer
  11. Umm Ismael

    pain is the hardest

    :salam2: أصعب شيئ هو أن تفتن في دينك هو أن تبكي و تطلب من قلبك الثبات إلا أنك عالم أن اللّه هو الذي يقلب القلوب فتدعو و تدعو أن يعيش قلبك بحب الله إلى حدّ أن ترجو نسيان هذا العالم حتى لا تنسى مولاك :wasalam:
  12. Umm Ismael

    ماهو اصعب شئ في هذا العالم

    :salam2: أصعب شيئ هو أن تفتن في دينك هو أن تبكي و تطلب من قلبك الثبات إلا أنك عالم أن اللّه هو الذي يقلب القلوب فتدعو و تدعو أن يعيش قلبك بحب الله إلى حدّ أن ترجو نسيان هذا العالم حتى لا تنسى مولاك :wasalam:
  13. Umm Ismael

    Can you sleep in the midst of a storm?

    Asselemou Alaikum, Thats true..Meche Allah.. Salam
  14. Umm Ismael

    L'amour en Dieu

    Asselemou Alaikum, Nous sommes aujourd'hui dans un monde où le vrai ami se fait rare car toutes les amitiés ont tendance à être fondées sur des considérations matérielles ou sur des intérêts personnels et c'est pourquoi elles s'effondrent vite et disparaissent avant même la disparition de...
  15. Umm Ismael

    Interested in Islam

    Ameen May Allah guide you! Just pray Him to guide you and He then Will guide you to The Right Path.
  16. Umm Ismael

    I have found a treasure!!

    Asselemou Alaikum :) Meche Allah! JazakiAllah sister for translating and sharing this. Salam Hajer
  17. Umm Ismael

    how will you spend your time this Eid??

    me four :) I will not go to university at least :)
  18. Umm Ismael

    Cannot trust my husband...many reasons

    Asselemou Allaikum sister, Allah is probably testing your patience..It is a trial.. dont be sad if your heart is with Allah.. Pray for your husband during the day and night and be patient please.. When your husband will see your patience and your good behaviour, he will feel inche Allah...
  19. Umm Ismael

    My 2nd introduction, as a Muslim :)

    Asselemou Alaikum! Allahou Akbar! God is the Greatest :) ALHAMDULI ALLAH :) :tti_sister: Congratulations Salam Hajer
  20. Umm Ismael

    please help.

    Asselemou Alaikum, u know sis ...whtever u are going through Allah knows ur pain and ur distress stand in prayers .....cry ur all soul out to HIM he is the master of all situation ... CRy to him ...Cry as much as it relieve u ... but cry to Allah ...if u cry to him ..he will wipe off ur...