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  1. B

    الحمد لله يا أرحم الراحمين

    barakallahu feekom jameean :wasalam: it is a pleasure to be part of your happy community, Allah peace and blessing be with all of you :inshallah: I can gain much knowledge with all of you :jazaak: all of you who welcome me in the site :salam2:
  2. B

    الحمد لله يا أرحم الراحمين

    Dear sisters and brothers i would like to say:salam2:wa rahmat ALLAH wa barakatahu to all of you i am new. Your sister in islam and I am from egypt it is a pleasure to be part of your happy community, Allah peace and blessing be with you :shahadah: لا إله إلا الله عدد ما كان ،...