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  1. W

    Your enemy, George Soros

    what a load of utter garbage
  2. W

    My 2nd introduction, as a Muslim :)

    Wow. I think that's about where I am at. That really struck me. I don't know if I have enough posts to PM but once/if I do would you mind if I PM'd you sometimes to ask you about your decision and learning? Also, if I may ask, how did your family react? Thank you.
  3. W

    Maulana Muhammad Ali?

    Thank you very much (sorry I've been gone for a while and just read your post). I did stop reading Iqbal's work primairly because I was a bit dismayed to see he was an idealist which set my off, additionally he seems to accecpt a lot of key tennents of late 19th early 20th century psychology...
  4. W

    Is Charity only for Muslims?

    Hello I was reading the Quran when I got to this verse: "(272) (Alms are) for the poor who are straitened for the cause of Allah, who cannot travel in the land (for trade). The unthinking man accounteth them wealthy because of their restraint. Thou shalt know them by their mark: They do...
  5. W

    Maulana Muhammad Ali?

    Hello. In studying Islam I have found his book "The religion of Islam" very helpful. I understand he belonged to a rogue sect (One Muslim compared it to learning about Christianity by studying The Book of Mormon). However it seems he belonged to a less heretical sect of the movement...
  6. W


    That is somewhat difficult to put into words at the moment Sometime I will try to put all my praise and criticisms of Islam into a thread:)
  7. W


    Hello, My name is Will. I'm a 19 year old University student and am seriously considering converting to Islam. So, there you go:p have a nice day