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  1. S


    alsalamu alaykom my dear beloved sis in islam 3assal :), 1st welcome 2 islam and we're proud 2 have u with us :) dear 3assal u have 2 sulotions for ur issue,of course in my opinion. 1.tell ur parents about islam in a very calm and peacful way,explain 2 them why u want 2 b in such a beautiful...
  2. S

    Beauty an asset or a curse?

    dear sis in islam sheba alsalamu alaykom wa rahmatu allah wa barakatu, dear sheba,i understood ur situation and wut's ur going through but always remember that it will be considered as jehad 4 the sake of islam,and insha'allah Allah will reward u 4 that, i really admir and respect u more...
  3. S

    Beauty an asset or a curse?

    alsalamu alaykom dear sheba, i really understand wut ur saying.and i feel that 2...and if u excuze me i have some questions 4 u coz i ddnt really understand the whole case. 1. it seems 2 me that u live in a foreign country where muslims aren't very free 2 do wut they want . seems 2 me...