Search results

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    I get lot of dreams.

    :salam2: JazakAllahu khairan for your replies. Very useful. Insha Allah, I will follow them from tonight and see the effect insha allah.
  2. S

    Is Ghusl due when ..?

    :salam2: When I goto walmart, in some urgent situations I goto restroom for answering nature calls. I may not water to clean myself many a times. In that case Ghusl becomes necessary on me? Or just washing the private parts alone should be good? Please let me know. jazakallahu khairan.
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    Duva for evil eye

    :salam2: These days I feel that I am afflicted with evil eye.. Is there any duva which can be read not to get affected with evil eye? Jazakallahu khairan.
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    I get lot of dreams.

    :salam2: Hope everybody is in good state of Iman and health. Recently, I have been seeing so many dreams. These dreams are some what scary.. (not related to shaitan, jinns, etc,, but I see many of my family memebrs is in dangerous situations or in dead position) I am getting this type of...
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    Can ladies wear the clothes till knee and pray?

    Assalavalaikum Can ladies wear the clothes till knee and pray or they have covered full body?Can ladies pray showing their elbows?how ladies should pray either full covered or not?
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    Assalamvalaikum This is Sameera.I am the new user.Jazakaallah Khair