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  1. Z

    Say forgiveness to each others after ramadhan

    Taqobalallahu Minna Wa Minkum, I apologize to all of my brothers and sisters from my deepest heart, if i made mistake and fail in words to you all this time, Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin. Back to Fitraah, Ramadhan clean our soul
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    Please Help!

    Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb. Syukron to all of my brothers and sisters I ever watched video in the thread in TTI about speed of light in the Holy Quran, but now i forget it and i don't find it alredy. would my brothers and sisters will show me the thread please syukron. I need the information...
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    As long As Still become American Puppet Till Die We Cannot Go Forward!!!

    I am very angry and tired, to see my government policy have always dictate by US government. Even our internal affair policy, foreign policy let alone. Just recent my president had dialog with Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad said that Indonesia had priority from Iran about nuclear energy matter. But...
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    How do you feels about Ramadhan?

    Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb. Today is the day of nine of ramadhan. So what do you feel about ramadhan, your feelings or maybe your experience during fasting. Or maybe what is your challenge on this ramadhan? I will start with myself. Maybe this ramadhan is better than ramadhan last year. I...
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    Attention to Ummrayhan!!!

    to Ummrayhan maybe you just click this:Receive Private Messages only from Buddies and Moderators as an enable that you had chosen.
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    Evolution Theory In The Holy Qur'an

    Al-Ankabut 20: Say: "Travel through the earth and see how God did originate creation; so God will produce a later creation: for God has power over all things We should separate this sentences throw three part as i separated them in colour red, blue and lime. we will look for the meanin of...
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    Look Away From The World!!

    Do Not Look For Matters Outside Of Us!! Our desires just follow our senses. We saw a luxury car then our avidity quickly start regard as the luxury car could increase our dignity. And then we saw a luxury big fancy house. And again, our avidity start regard the fancy house could make our life...
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    The World and Us

    World seems like a ray giving promises to us. World like fire in the ancient world. and in the midlde of the night. It flame bended and pulled us to come in closer. But it flame burned us. It wound incorrigible. Don't pursue the world, it will always evading us. It running faster than...
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    The modern scientific knowledge based on islam thaught

    Calculus is the based for all of scientific formula start from math, physic, chemistry, and biology. till the newest modern theory right now. here it is I found a sites and blog tell us about Al Khawarizmi. MOHAMMAD BIN MUSA AL-KHAWARIZMI (Died 840 A.D.) Abu Abdullah Mohammad Ibn Musa...
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    I am A Newbie Want Introduce Myself and Recognize You

    Ass, to all sisters and brothers, I want to introduce myself an recognize you. i am an Indonesian, sorry for my poor english. I am a shiite moslem, want to support all of my converting islam sisters and brothers.