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    اقرأ هذه القصة فيها اشياء عجيبه إسلام أكب&#15

    RE Thanks for your reply hopefully others convinced with these facts and turn to our beautifull religion. w 3alikoom al sallam
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    Ali Khodr (The faithful Muslim) from Lebanon

    thanks all w Ramadan Mubarak 3lls il omma il islamiya , w enshallah y3od 3alina bil si7a wil 3afia
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    اقرأ هذه القصة فيها اشياء عجيبه إسلام أكب&#15

    well I really don;t know its resource , but I feel it is true because there is qura2n verses and logic discussion, right ! any way thanks for reply.
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    Video How Americans (USA ) entering Islam every day !!

    please any one can translate this reply to me . :salam2: please any one can translate this reply to me . It is very important ... الإعجاز العلمي في نفي القرآن ألوهية المسيح د محمد عبد الخالق شريبة كاتب وطبيب من مصر عقيدة المسلمين في المسيح العقيدة الإسلامية شديدة...
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    Ali Khodr (The faithful Muslim) from Lebanon

    thanks all :salam2: Thanks for all. I am proud to became a member in this great website, and I hope that we spread Islam as possible as we can. :wasalam:
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    اقرأ هذه القصة فيها اشياء عجيبه إسلام أكب&#15

    :salam2: شكرا أخي على الرد :SMILY139:
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    Ali Khodr (The faithful Muslim) from Lebanon

    About me: My name is Ali from Lebanon. I am studying computer and communication engineering, and I am doing well. I am smart, cute, and open minded. I'd like to talk with people wherever they are about their cultures and beliefs. I am Muslim, and I like my religion because it is the true...
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    اقرأ هذه القصة فيها اشياء عجيبه إسلام أكب&#15

    اقرأ هذه القصة فيها اشياء عجيبه إسلام أكبر داعي للنصرانية في كندا!!! هذا كان أكبر داعيه للنصرانيه في كندا يعلن اسلامه ويتحول إلى أكبر داعيه للإسلام فى كندا ، كان من المبشرين النشطين جدا في االدعوة إلى النصرانية وأيضا هو من الذين لديهم علم غزير بالكتاب المقدس Bible . هذا...
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    Is it not true that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

    Is it not true that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has copied the qur’an from the bible? (Na’auzbillah) Many critics allege that prophet muhummad (pbuh) himself was not the author of the qur’an but he learnt it and/or plagiarised (copied or adapted) it from other human sources or from previous...