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  1. prince-shizz

    aslaam alikom i have an swf version of a quran and its nice

    aslaam alikom i have a swf version of a quran on this link u need to be a member please sign up it is free and its a really good site go here if u want to download it from the website that i download from or...
  2. prince-shizz

    A is for B is for etc ...

    aslaam alikom people here is a game that u'll find intresting.. (i hope) This game is like alphabet and the meaning. for instant first person says A = allah Second person says B = bismillah and it keeps going after the person has done the last word (Z) then he shall make another...
  3. prince-shizz

    The best rapping game, come on in and i'll explain ;)

    :salam2: AIM in this game on the last word you have to find a simmilar word that rhyms to the last word of sentance. USER1} aslaaam alikom people and how was your day? USER2} it was okay thanks, am glad to say note :just try your best think of any word non violence/racist thanks...
  4. prince-shizz

    i need help on this site plz

    aslaam alikom how do i use my own picture <----------------- is there a way i can make my own signature like sum people on this site plz reply walikom aslaam, | | |
  5. prince-shizz


    :salam2: i am a new member for sum my name is shazad and i like to wishall bro and sis out there ramadan kreem
  6. prince-shizz

    aslaam alaykum am a new member did i forget to say

    i am seekig som lyrics for the nasheed Sameer al Bashiri laylon daja please get bck to me jazakhallah
  7. prince-shizz

    salaam alaykum people

    :bismillah:aslaam brotha n sister am looking for a font that is simmilar to arabic writing i mean pure arabic writing like a- aliff b - baa t-taa .etc am making a video this is the reason about islaam please could sum1 help please :jazaak: :inshallah: