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  1. E

    Ramadhan Dilemma??

    :salam2: Hope all my brothers and sisters are well. I live in a non-muslim country to begin with and on top of that I work night shifts. My worries about Ramadhaan would be my lack of opportunity to do Taraweeh in Jamaat. What can I do about that :( Any help and suggestion would be...
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    Help a brother out :)

    :salam2: My deepest desire is to pray regularly, but irregularity in prayers and the bad formation of habits has made Salah seem like a burden (:astag:) than a blessing and guidance Lets be Practical and Realistic. For someone who has not been regular in prayers he/she cannot become...
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    A day in the life of a working Muslim/mah

    :salam2: They say the best way to be successful in life is to emulate the habits of a successful person. I personally know hundreds of such who follow the teachings, principles and habits of successful people such as Brian Tracy, Anthony Robbins, Jose Silva. And to be honest I too fell...
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    Urgent Help !!

    Salams my dear brothers and sisters, Frankly speaking this is how I am feeling and I am sure this is the mentality of anyone who is so engrossed with the materialistic world. We are so hooked onto the dealings with life that you forget the origins of your reason for living. I am one...
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    What is the Daily Routine....

    :salam2: I am curious about what is the daily routine of a Muslim(ah) I was given the opportunity to join the Tableegh but I was hesitant due to many reasons along with the declination in permission from my parents. So i started doing some research and was really interested in what they do...
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    Quick Help !!

    :salam2: I am concerned about the following .... I got an Iftaar invitation from one of my relatives (my uncle's inlaws) problem is that he and my father are not on good terms, as I have personally heard as a witness (the lawyer and potential buyer) him slandering my father and bearing...
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    Agoraphobic !!!

    :salam2: Lately if you have been browsing you would have noticed a lot of threads started by me based on my personal situations and problems but I do so out of desperation because I have no place else to go, the learned brothers at my masjid or infact anywhere show a sense of annoyance...
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    What is considered as Lying ?

    :salam2: I apologize for the randomness of the question that i am about to pose. Is giving false information about your family members to a complete stranger considered lying? It is the month of Ramadhaan and i have really tried really hard to not utter anything that could be considered a...
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    Plz help !!

    Salaam3alaikum.. What advice would you give to a muslim brother/sister who has been abusing his/her soul (going after worldly pursuits and all there is in it) and eventually realizing his grave mistake. So he/she turns to Allah *swt* for repentance and to amend and change his/her life and...