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    arabic nasheed!

    alhamdulillah As salamualaikum :ma: i like too about this nasheed jazakAllah khair for nasheed but i want the lyric of nasheed can u give me wassalam
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    Unique Baby Boy names???

    my favorite name assalamualaikum muhammad al faruk or faruk only because this names is the alias of khalifah ummar ibnu khttab [raduyallahuanhu]
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    tell me one thing

    ***** Assalamualaikum nice to meet you all Ok , about me I am IRFAN currently i am upper secondary school at south of thailand and i am 15 year old but i interest about a social muslim around the world . Insh Allah in the future i met all the people and...
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    EID adha :salam2: الله أكبر ، الله أكبر لا إله إلا الله والله أكبر الله أكبر ، ولله الحمد تقبل الله منا ومنكم Eid Mubarak Brothers and Sisters May Allah bless you all
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    from Bangladesh

    Welcom WaalaikumussalaamWarahmathullaah Welcom to turn to islam my brother nice to meet u too U R brotherly in Islam May Allah bless U
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    me too :SMILY231: Assalaamuallikkom i am new here too nice to meet u all i am from thailand