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    Is EID prayer Obligatory for us to attend

    salamu alaykumu wa barakatuhu wa baraka allahu fikoum for your complet answer zadak allahou ilman wa afadak bihi
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    How to forgive one who has wronged??

    salamu alaykumu wa rahmatu allahi wa barakatuhu; the mumin (the believer) havn't things in his heat where sheitan can enter; we must forgive for every brothers and sisters If we forgive for who do bad thing to us than allah make the others to forgive to us "alla tohibouna an yaghfira allahou...
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    salamu alaykumu

    thank you !
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    salamu alaykumu

    thank you ,
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    salamu alaykumu

    thank you fo your mail wa alaykumu salem wa rahmatu allahi wa barakatuhu
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    salamu alaykumu

    as-salamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh to alla brothers and sisters in allah I am an Algerian Muslim, I found this net very intersting. I hope that it let us to bee near to allah. Salamu alaykumu