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  1. S

    Video Yusuf Islam in his latest TV interview with the ex-BBC Director Alan Yentob.

    Salam alakum ! :salam2: I would like to download this video please ! does anybody know how to do it. Thanks,:jazaak: svjaveed
  2. S

    Video New Yusuf Islam Interview, talks about how he was always searching for answers to li

    Salam Alaykum ! How can I download this video.....anybody...? Jazak Allah Khair svjaveed
  3. S

    why have i been labelled a quiet member

    My reference was for brother Saifadin_Qutuz regarding the Avtar, hope u dont mind svjaveed
  4. S

    why have i been labelled a quiet member

    Salamalakum! Your Avtar is too loud brother.... I wish u could change it for something more appropriate ! svjaveed