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  1. M

    Rules about doubt in prayer

    Assalamu Alaikum, I just wanted to know what the rulings are, regarding doubts in salaat about how many rakat one has prayed. How the doubt should be addressed. I have vague memories about what to do once I doubt whether I have prayed more/less than I am supposed...
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    Experiencing a wet dream during fasting.

    Assalaamu Allaikum, What is the ruling on a guy who unknowingly has a wet dream while he takes a nap while fasting? Does his fasting for the day still hold?
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    Best way of asking and repenting from Sins.

    :salam2: Another manifestation of the Messenger's(SAW) Hadiths have occurred to me, rather in a negative way unfortunately. I was able to keep away from bad behavior in almost the entire month of Ramadan . Unfortunately as soon as it ended I fell into it. A manifestation of his Hadith that...
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    Taking medical shots while fasting.

    :salam2: I am due to take a medical syringe shot before my school will allow me to take classes on Monday. If I dont take the shot because I am fasting then I will miss class and this will be very detrimental to my education. On the other hand if I take the shot i will have to forfeit my...
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    salaat timing question

    :salam2: That is sad to hear. I think it is impossible to ask for prayer time. i guess i'll have to do it after the class.
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    salaat timing question

    :salam2: Performing salaat 30 mins before its time because you have a class regularly at 1:00pm- is this allowed?
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    Recommend an Islamic Book?

    :salam2: What easily accessible Islamic book would you recommend for a muslim whose Eeman has weakened? Hardened heart? One which i could buy online maybe?
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    Which are the most fearful and reflective Surahs in the Quran?i

    I desperately want to turn my life around from a particular sin. What surah's and ayaats from the Quran would recommend for me to read and think about? Jazakhallahu Khaira
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    What Surah contains this verse?

    Jazaakhallah,.. That was exactly the one i was looking for. I heard at Khutbah today , that is why i got it a bit messed up.
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    What Surah contains this verse?

    I only know the first bits of the Ayah; ?"Kul Khasiruuna lladhi khasiruu anfusihim wa Ahlihim yawmal Qiyaamah", which surah and verse is this Ayah from , pls?
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    Salaat Question pls

  12. M

    Salaat Question pls

    :salam2: Can someone please explain to me the process of fixing a salaat where one is not sure exactly how raka'ats hee/she has performed? In other words, when doubt arouses from whether or not one's salaat is complete or not, what should he/she do? (a link or an explanation will be gladly...
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    What Surah is this?

    Mashallah!! I appreciate it very much..
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    What Surah is this?

    :salam2: I found this video on Youtube and I want to know what Surah that Ayah is from? The Surah is after the Fatihah..
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    The typical Muslim

    :salam2: Many times when I read the Quran(translation) the primary targets being warned are the Disbelievers and the Munafiqun. I want to read sections where the average muslim is addressed(not the Mu'minuun but the sinful muslims- us..). I know a couple like the one in Surah Zumar-39 ( Verses...
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    Eeman and Taqwa dying!!

    thanks Mashallah.. I'll try my utmost to start what you have outlined.. Mya Allah guide us all
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    Eeman and Taqwa dying!!

    :salam2: I am going through Eeman crisis right now and I am wondering if anyone can help me. What are the best, most thought-provoking and scariest Ayats in the Quran that will be perfect to recite to myself when I am praying so that I can increase my weakening Eeman(faith) :wasalam:
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    Help...Before I fall into sin

    My plan was to study all-night for my exam but I am having temptations which are becoming too big to subdue. I can't even concentrate well.. need something
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    Help...Before I fall into sin

    :salam2: Does anyone any Taqwa-instilling video,mp3 or yext advice to give to me so I that I can avoid falling into sin right now? I am afraid I might do something shameful right now which may end me in sin. I need something immediately to turn me away from this. I am currently...
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    Am I a Munafiq?

    Mashallah... I am a bit relieved to learn that I maybe have chance. thanks a lot.. I will keep striving to rid myself of my problem(Inshallah). May Allah streghten our hearts and make all of us steadfast. Jazakallah!!