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    A lil help plz?

    Asalamualaykum, Okay so I have to do this assignment for a kuffar skool and im supposed to sum up the quran in a two page essay... I kinda want to take this opportunity as dawah I made a plan andjust want to know what you guys think about it...plz gimme sum suggestions as im not the...
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    Asalamualaykum, Yesterday I was at a lecture and we were discussing how until everything that is written in ur destiny happens, you won't die. A question came to my mind but I didn't find the appropriate time to ask so maybe one of you could provide me with an answer... If our destiny is...
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    Any suggestions for answers?

    Asalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, I've had some people ask me questions regarding a few matters and I usually just come up with something but it isn't all that convincing so I wanted to know what your answers would be so next time maybe I could give them a better answer. The...
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    Asalamualykum, Sorry i know i've been asking a lot of questions but I got one more :shymuslima1: Is it allowed in Islam to take pictures of people/urself???
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    Asalamualaykum, I was wondering if it's allowed to make istikhara for somebody else? Like if my sister wanted to marry somebody cud I make the istikhara for her?
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    Allowed in Islam?

    Asalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Okay I had a question. I'm from Pakistan and idk if it's allowed in the religion on not but once in a while (like a couple times a year) a lot of Pakistani families get together with friends and family to read Quran for the people who have passed...
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    Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh :P, I was referred to this site by my BFF...i took a brief look at it, looks a lot like is a good thing ;). I love to read about islam and gain more knowledge...My dream is to study islam, learn it, and then spread it. I hope this site is...