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    U.S. Kills 100 Afghan Civilians

    I'd join immediately
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    My Parents banned everything Islam

    As Salaam Aleikum, unfortunately I don't have much in the way of advice. However I just wanted to say that I too face the same issue my parents are Traditional Catholics and yes they definitely see their oposition to my newly found faith as the salvation of my soul. Well i guess all I wanted...
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    Need to be able to download kamal Uddin's Surah al-Rahman

    As Salaam Aleikum wa rakmatauallah barakatu, My name is Phelan, or alternatively al-farooq, as I recently accepted Islam...about 6 months ago now. Ijust wondered if anyone could help me find Mp3 version of kamal Uddin's Surah al-Rahman compatible with ipod Jazzak-Allah kairhan