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  1. S


    Is it me being misguided into thinking deobandi are guided rightly? or are they the misguided? I'm positive in my thinking that deobandi are guiding people to the wrong side!?! please help! also please go to *removed* and download the pdf document called 'The Love for Scholars' and just read the...
  2. S

    Particular Sunnah in Namaaz

    There is a sunnah in namaaz when you are sitting down after doing the last sajdah where you have you right foot, the toes like bent if you get my problem, I have been told that you should not leave sunnahs out for a good reason but I mean in my circumstances I can't do it as foot kills but I do...
  3. S

    Question regarding namaaz!?!?

    Salaam all you out there reading this, I have a question for you all to answer. I was walking into town after Jummah salah like hour and half ago before posting this thread and this dawat e islami kid who knows me from masjid where I pray at and he goes to me that when reading namaaz you have...