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  1. Kats

    Hi there

    Will do. I have heard of him but don't know too much about him.
  2. Kats

    Hi there

    I'm not sure, some of the things he taught were contradictions to Halakha, for a well known example take when Isa said: To not defend yourself when you are attacked is considered a sin in Torah. Why would he teach something like this?
  3. Kats

    Hi there

    Because Torah is kind of like the foundation of the Qur'an and God's word, even if it might be full of changes and not true to the original- kind of like a ruined set of pillars. I'm already amazed by the Qur'an so if I can be shown Isa as al-Masih, it will bring me closer to accepting it.
  4. Kats

    Hi there

    Yes, the revealed prophesy in Torah says that there is a man descendant of Dawud who will usher in a new age of peace where there is no sin and everybody will recognize Allah's existence. Christians say this was Isa but because he did not fulfill all prophecy and he did not bring a new age of...
  5. Kats

    Hi there

    Neither. Yes, I generally consider the New Testament to be false because at the moment I have trouble seeing Isa as al-Masih. But I quote from it for references to Jesus, I mean, where else would I get them? Thanks a bunch dudette. Haha! Don't worry about it mate, you're probably a lot...
  6. Kats

    Found a mosque

    Okay, so with BinteShafi's help I managed to find the nearest mosque to me, it's an hour and a half walk away but hopefully I can find a bus there. Anyway I was going to call them today but I'm pretty nervous and have NO IDEA what to say, oy..., I know I shouldn't be nervous but I'm always...
  7. Kats

    Hi there

    I think it is a little dangerous to say "Australians are peaceful" or "Americans are ignorant" or "British people are snobs", but I understand what you're saying- a culture can breed certain qualities and in a way, yes, Australians are peaceful but it is not ideological like it is in Canada...
  8. Kats

    Hi there

    Wow, I'm going to have to investigate this more. I knew Muslims claimed the Qur'an had scientific facts in it that have only recently been discovered in our modern times with such amazing advances in science but I thought they would be sketchy and very open to interpretation. Thank you so...
  9. Kats

    Hi there

    I don't know enough to believe that the Qur'an is the word of Allah, but thanks Binte.
  10. Kats

    Hi there

    Oh great! Sorry, I posted as you posted this. You're too wonderful :)
  11. Kats

    Hi there

    So you couldn't answer my questions about Yeshua as the Moshiach then?
  12. Kats

    Hi there

    Oh wow, I didn't know that shaytan was the name (or personification?) of evil. That's interesting. Thank you so much Saif. You've really got me thinking about a lot of things but could you have a go at answering my posts -...
  13. Kats

    Hi there

    Some kind of "lack of understanding" of the Qur'an, yes. I'm not about to give up time to learn to pray and do all those wonderful things Muslims just yet, I don't know enough to "revert".
  14. Kats

    Hi there

    What are they though? I explained this in an earlier post, while the Tanakh and New Testament follow a fluent timeline, the Qur'an is completely scattered with different subjects in a seemingly non-fluent order. Actually, I was reading just now that the actual coherent order of the Qur'an...
  15. Kats

    Hi there

    It's neither "polite" nor "impolite", mental is to do with psychology, a disorder is something wrong. I have bipolar- thus I have a mental disorder. Doctors thought I might have had schizophrenia and having read a few psychology textbooks (remember I'm nobody intelligent and I'm definitely not a...
  16. Kats

    Hi there

    I'm sorry if I'm coming off as generalizing but I've just had bad experiences so far. Proper language? Schitzophrenia is a very real psychological problem... Because Yeshua didn't fulfill half of the required prophecy to be even considered moshiach. What I meant by "incoherant" was...
  17. Kats

    Hi there

    It's hard not to generalize when every single Muslim I've met online has either shunned me or banned me from forums or whatever. It's ridiculous. My question was pretty much this (keep in mind that if I say Allah "seemed" this or "seemed" that it's not intended to be hostile) Sometimes I...
  18. Kats

    Hi there

    I understand the need for moderation but this is just silly, it seems like Muslims are trying to push me away from understanding them, or even so- avoiding answering serious questions.
  19. Kats

    Hi there

    I came here to understand something I don't have much understanding of, and my thread still isn't there, maybe the moderator deleted it? I didn't say anything wrong or offensive in anyway so ... I don't know..
  20. Kats

    Hi there

    Then you're an Australian. So take that "alien land" off your profile name thingo :SMILY206: Now you're an Australian you have to do two things- 1. Be really lazy and not care about serious issues 2. Abbreviate everything and butcher the English language.