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    Afghanistan pictures..

    :salam2: amazing pics... what amazed me though was a short doco shown on australian tv regarding the alleged war on terror of us troops helping ana and anp troops. And in this short excerpt they found a massive marijuana crop field.... the reporter asked as a us soldier as he was destroying...
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    can a muslim buy a home on interest?

    Where are the muslims in the field of finance/economics to step up, collaborate and propogate the just and correct practices of banking!! nows your chance!! may Allah guide us all ameen. As far as i'm aware... no gary no, noooooooo gary!
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    Introducing Myself as a New Muslim.

    mashAllah. Top choice mate. Ahlun wahsahlun :) Welcome to the brotherhood, dean :) May Allah accept your reversion and please make dua for us as your soul is pure :)
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    Human Being Has a Great Capacity For Self-Delusions

    :salam2: Far out. Thats insane. Well written, well said mashallah. O Allah please cure us from heedlessness and give us tawfiq, hidayat and understanding for we SURELY need it ya Raab... Ameen.
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    :salam2: I have an amazing pdf document that a brother sent me earlier today regarding the benefits and true meaning of Ramadhan of which i would like to share with all of you. I haven't received a message from one of the mods yet but if anyone is able to tell me how to post up attachments...
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    He is marrying a Hindu girl...

    Firstly, emotional and rational thoughts are to be served separately on the table, not medium or done but rare. There are certain etiquettes in terms of addressing oneself to a prospective partner and I feel in my area (not that i'm saying you have transgressed sister) bro's and sis's go about...
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    Yay!I've reverted home!

    Allah hu Ahkbar. Allah is so great. He has hand picked you so good on you mashallah for reverting. Please make dua for us as your soul is in an extreme state of purity subhanallah. Again welcome to this admirable posse known as Islam!! :D
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    G'day from W.A.

    WS bro har hAR! Keora bro!
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    why do muslims celebrte their wedding parties like christians?Is it allowed in islam

    "having quran on the head of groom and bride" Personally and logically, this act is quite gigantic in terms of foul play against Islam. To me it tells me that Islam is confined to a book, and all we do is receive blessings from it and then put it back on a shelf to collate dust until the next...
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    Amazing Sheikh Mishary

    i find his qiraat easy to follow when memorizing alhumdolilah may Allah bless him for his gifted voice and allow us all to memorize more quran ameen.
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    This How A Brother Feels

    Walaykumsalam brother Firdavs. If you would like my humble and honest opinion, I would ask for moderators to shut this thread down, and take up this issue with a respected elder who can negotiate these sort of situations or a sheikh, imam etc. It is probably in your and his best interest to...
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    Assalamualaikum Bro&sister

    ahlun wa sahlun, welcome to the boards. It is true Renee that Islam is not what you see on the television, read in the newspapers or hear in the radio. I'm not one for being apologetic but i pray for ppl to understand and barrage their misconceptions of Islam by having an open mind inshallah...
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    G'day from W.A.

    :salam2: wasn't talking about you sister, it seems my last post forgiving someone was also deleted. kheir inshalalh inna lilla hi wa inna lillayhi rajioon!
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    Islam in Russia Российская Федерация

    :wasalam: jezakallah jannah thanks so much for that information brother wa'llah it was refreshing and i'm a huge fan of history, reading up on Islamic history is a double bonus for me alhumdolilah. Brother i want to ask, are you Russian? walaykumsalam bruv.
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    Muslimah wants to stay home

    :wasalam: Kayleigh it obviously must conform to the ideals and borderlines of Islam so not any job is impeccable. I'm with the opinion that if the wife's job is a threat and puts her family's life at stake or jeopardy, serious thought of alternatives need to be considered. Ya'ni what i'm...
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    G'day from W.A.

    wow, some ppl need to learn how to relax and take a joke, and what is wrong with the title? g'day from w.a.? in other words good day from western australia?? lighten up and drink some chai pplz. looks like honest opinions are also whacked. tsk tsk!
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    G'day from W.A.

    :salam2: :salam2: respected brothers and sisters in islam! giving a big salams to all from Western Australia :) InshAllah i hope to meet and greet fantastic ppl on these boards and discuss our love for Allah subhanawatallah :D for He truly deserves all praise. Who left the air conditioner...