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  1. M

    Question about drawing

    :salam2: i have a question am going to design a tshirt and ill but a face illustration on it is it haram???? please someome help me with answer
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    Help me I am scared of my neighbors Halloween decorations

    assalamo alikum warahmatolah ta'ala wa barakato الحمد لله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا ونبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين، وبعد: الدعاء الذي يقال عند القلق والفزع والوحشة هو ما رواه أبو داود والترمذي من حديث عمرو بن شعيب عن أبيه عن جده أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يعلمهم من...
  3. M

    This place is great!

    welcome :salam2: welcome to this web site brother hope u enjoyable and beneficial stay here : )
  4. M

    i need help!

    :salam2: i just finished my degree this year ( faculty of applied arts/industrial design major) i have a plan to study abroad specifically at Itay but am afraid about something and it really worries me alot am afraid that if i live there while am studing i might have Fittna specially...
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    New member

    i have a question how can i help to grow this community?!!
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    New member

    sorry thought u are a brother
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    New member

    ahlan beek ya akhi :D thanks for your great hospitality
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    New member

    jazak alaho khayran mahyar and ayman
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    New member

    :salam2: am mahmoud hassan 23 years old from Cairo/Egypt,this is my first post on this forum, i wish i can make some good Muslim friends from allover the world and to spread goodness : )