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  1. M

    Saudi Sister shows her home and life

    women can't drive salaam, with the issue that women can't drive in Saudi Arabia, i agree but somtimes disagree with women not allowed to drive as there may social issues. But i read last week on website that as women can't drive and men are not home all the time to take...
  2. M

    what do you guys think about Dubai

    dubai I found out Dubai is a biggest haven for satans in the Muslim World, I am not joking there is sooo much corruption, islamically, such as drinking, drugs, lies, you will find people who have filthy rich either from drugs or can just say DONS of the world have major connections with Dubai...
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    saudi highway skating

    youth Salam, Your right brother, the main problem with youth in Saudi is that they have no jobs and nothing to do all day, the Government can give jobs to soo many youth under age of 20's deifnately not engouhg jobs. Lot of the youth in Saudi cannot afford to get married and power of oil...
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    saudi highway skating

    i think its real Salam, This is dangerous, but Saudi really do not anything better to do, as out the whole population in Saudi, atleast 70% are under the age of 18 years old, there are no Cinemas, music is not really acceptible (not saying this is the right thing to do, but most youth love...
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    check check the follwoing website
  6. M

    Beliefs in Taweez or Religious Symbols

    OK thanks brother, maybe my message wrong in it's context, thanks for advice
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    Beliefs in Taweez or Religious Symbols

    786 is not my username chosen I was made this by someone I know to log into this website, but I dont beleive in 786.
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    Beliefs in Taweez or Religious Symbols

    OK I understand I apologies for using some phrases, but please advise me about taweez belief as I am finding it difficult to understand why soo many people from sub continent beileve. Why have Imams put such thoughts into people's heads that they should wear taweez if they want things to be...
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    Beliefs in Taweez or Religious Symbols

    I am an indian, and yes Fadil e amal is Innovation and contains stuff out of Islamic circules. I come from tabligh jamat side of beliefs and as being born in UK I don't really know much about Fadil e amal but I know it is corrupted. However unfortunately, the Indian and Pakistani muslims...