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  1. maYRam

    7 languages translation

    haha! a great way to start my day! jazakallah khair for sharing! :hijabi:
  2. maYRam

    How to repent in Islam (Alhamdullah there is a specific criterion)

    mashaAllah! very beneficial to everyone. jazzakallah khair for sharing! :hijabi:
  3. maYRam


    now i'm having goosebumps. thanks 4 sharing this! may Allah bless u. :hijabi:
  4. maYRam

    I want to wear Hijab

    may u continue doing the right things for Allah.. mabrook to u! :hijabi:
  5. maYRam

    graDUation BAll DillEMa..

    assalamu alaikum! i have a problem and i hope my sisters here can help me.. i have an upcoming graduation ball on the 25th and as a school tradition, we should wear a cocktail dress.. As a not so new and being the only Muslimah in my University, i know i will be an outcast there.. CAN MY...
  6. maYRam

    HIV in muslim Community.

    i wish u all the best.. uve gone a long way.. :) don't give uP! may Allah give u strength and patience.. don't worry, ull get what u deserve on the right tym.. :) :hijabi:
  7. maYRam


    masha'Allah uR POst maDE Me laUGh.. thaNK U siSTer! :hijabi:
  8. maYRam

    To those who are married, .. Not married .. and soon to be married... (touching)

    MARRIAGE When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her hand and said, I've got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes. Suddenly I didn't know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her know what I was thinking. I want a...
  9. maYRam

    10-year-old Filipino boy converts to Islam

    uR absolutelY right.. Philippines before was named AMMAN ALLAH and was a Muslim country until the Spaniards came and made life miserable for them.. But alhamdulillah Islam is spreading very fast here now.. itS so touchiNG to SEe anoTher filipiNo EMBRACe Islam liKE Me.. Makes me proud as a...
  10. maYRam

    Beautiful story of sabr & reward

    mashaAllah.. i cried when i reaD ur stOry.. itS VERy bEAutIFUl.. jazak'Allah khair!
  11. maYRam

    Concept of Friendship in Islam: Three Muslim Friends Story

    masha'Allah.. verY WOnderfuL STOry.. jazak'Allah khair!
  12. maYRam

    uncle in coma after accident

    May uR unCLe geT WEll verY SOon.. insha'Allah everything will bE alRight..
  13. maYRam

    A little girl named Al-Bara'ah

    :ma: thiS Is verY TOUchiNG.. MAde mE CRy whILe heaRIng heR VOicE.. may Allah graNt her PAradiSE aftER aLL the haRDshipS THAt shE's bEEn throuGh.. May shE ServE As aN inspiraTioN To aLL muslimS. :hijabi:
  14. maYRam

    The Greatest blessing of Jannah . . .

    masha'Allah.. hopE i caN be oNE of thoSE luCKy muSLims tO Be iN paraDisE.. jazak'Allah khair for poSting thiS! :hijabi:
  15. maYRam

    I just registered here

    WELcoME To TTI! may Allah enlighten ur mind about embracing Islam.. wish u aLL the besT! :hijabi:
  16. maYRam

    Beautiful story- though i don't know the title :D

    :mashallah: verY BeaUTiful sTORY.. verY TOuchiNG AS weLL... Jazak'Allah khair for shaRing.. :hijabi:
  17. maYRam

    want to wear hijab help

    siS, iF OtherS CAn do IT.. SO CAN YOU! dont care whaT Other people think.. what ur gonna do is for yourself and especially for Allah.. insha'Allah he wILL MAKE It EASIER FOR u.. so there's nO need To haVe seconD THoughts.. juST Do WhaT U THink iS RIGHT... :hijabi:
  18. maYRam


    welCOme tO TTI! alhamdulillah foR enlightening ur mINd.. we're aLWAys herE To helP! jazak'Allah khair! :hijabi:
  19. maYRam

    10 Steps to Increasing our Imaan (Faith)

    JAzak'Allah khair foR POstiNG THis.. :hijabi:
  20. maYRam

    A huge warning to you and me.......

    SCAry bUT TRUe.. JAzak'Allah khair! :hijabi: