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  1. E

    Ellison’s Oath in Koran Roils Conservatives

    Bismillaahi ir Rahman ir Raheem. Assaalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmaatullaahi wa baraakaatuh. As I understand from the Qur'aan and from the scholars' explanations of it, as Muslims we cannot politically support any government that rules with laws other than Allaah's (subhanahu wa ta'ala) laws...
  2. E

    CBC interview. unveiling the muslim women-worth watching

    Bismillaah ir Rahman ir Raheem. Assaalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmaatullaahi wa baraakaatuh. I'm a bit concerned about the lack of knowledge all three of these Muslimahs displayed. First off, the non-hijabi obviously lacks sufficient knowledge of the Qur'aan, because there is a verse that states...