Search results

  1. AndiRB

    How can we support Palestine?

    As-salamu alaikum, As I don't know, if there is already a thread, please forward me to this. Watching todays news I was again struck by the horrible pictures and reports about the latest attacks against Palestine. Due to this I would appreciate any advise of how to support our brothers and...
  2. AndiRB

    republic of lakotah

    as-salamu alaikum, I just came across this, little late, though, but I wanted to know what do you think of movements like this: As there are many americans on this site I just wondered. I also thought of what might be an islamic view on this. Inshallah, we...
  3. AndiRB

    Über die Ursachen von Gewalt in der Politik

    As-salamu alaikum liebe Schwestern und Brüder im Islam, sicherlich werdet Ihr auch immer wieder auf den "Zusammenhang" von Islam und Terrorismus angesprochen. Ich habe einen sehr interessanten Artikel von Murad Hofmann gefunden. Insha-allah könnt auch Ihr davon profitieren. :hijabi...
  4. AndiRB

    As-salamu alaikum wr wb

    After visiting this site several times I finally decided to join it. Masha-allah you really do a great job here. I've already learned so much. But I wanted to introduce myself, in case you want to know who you are dealing with ;-) My name is Andrea and I've been a muslim now for 1 1/2...