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    New Job Wants Me To Trim My Beard. What Do I Do?

    Thank you all. I have learned a lot from this thread. (Minus the ruckus). I went to orientation and I didn't get to speak with the HR rep one on one, but there was NO mention of my beard.
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    New Job Wants Me To Trim My Beard. What Do I Do?

    Thank you all. After doing a lot of reading, I'm still at a standstill. So many different opinions regarding the beard. My understanding of the Hadith tell me it is an obligation. I'm going to orientation in another 2 hours, and will discuss it with human resources. Insha Allah, they will...
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    New Job Wants Me To Trim My Beard. What Do I Do?

    Asaalamu Alaikum... Brothers & sisters, I need advice. I've been looking for another job for months. I finally found one. A federal (U.S.) job with great pay and benefits. I thought it was PERFECT, until they told me I would need to trim (not completely) shave my beard. What should I do?
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    Visit Masjid Al-Aqsa From Inside With 360 Photography‏

    MashaAllah Thank you for sharing.
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    Asalaamu Alaikum

    Thank you all for the warm welcome, I'll be sure to check out the different areas of the site.
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    Asalaamu Alaikum

    Asalaamu Alaikum. I'm a recent revert. I've been interested in Islam for years, and always known for it to be the undeniable truth. I recently took the initiative to fully embrace Islam. The Muslim community in my area has welcomed me with open arms, and the brothers have taken me under their...