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    Follow up to Leaving Islam question

    Wasallamu Alekum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatum May Allah Almighty grant success to all of his believing worshippers in the different lands, and we ask Allah to grant us understanding in the religion and steadfastness upon it, as well as sincerity in speech and deeds. Indeed Allah is able to...
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    $$$$$$$$ $$$$ How much does Iraq worth to US Goverment.

    Asalamu Alekum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatum My Dear Brothers and Sisters Would you ship 363 TONS of money---CASH (green pieces of paper with Presidents' pictures on them)---into an unstable war zone? Bush and Cheney authorized US Government to ship CASH Bills weighing a total of 363...
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    Bush goes native ...

    Asalamu Alekum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatum Dear Brother and Sisters, Here is the latest project which GWB is planning. Bush wants to create a new "Africa Command" to put a stronger military presence in Africa. He justified this idea as follows: "Africa Command will enhance our...
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    Mercenaries in Iraq

    Ppresident Bush relies on thousands of private soldiers with little oversight, a disturbing example of the military-industrial complex. As President Bush took the podium to deliver his State of the Union address Tuesday, there were five American families receiving news that has become all too...
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    Is Somalia Dangerous?

    From 1996 until the middle of 2006, an anarchic equilibrium had sometimes provided safe haven to terrorists operating in East Africa. But in June 2006, an Islamic fundamentalist movement known as the Islamic Courts Union seized control of Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, despite an unsuccessful...
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    Senate says No to Bush

    The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 12 to 9 today against troup buildups in Baghdad without careful consideration of the aim, goals, and specific needs for action in Iraq. This suggests a shift from following general slogans, broad goals, and quick strikes to more targeted actions...
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    Israeli president indicted ...

    Israeli president Moshe Katsav indicted on serious charges:
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    Innocent Victims

    *********WARNING********** This is not for the faint of heart and this is not a joke. Here are some of the victims of nuclear fallout from the war in Afghanistan: If you are pregnant or have recently had a child you may not want to look at this...
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    What is the purpose behind the invasion of Somalia by the Ethiopian Government

    Asalamu Alekum, May Allah Almighty grant success to all of his believing worshippers in the different lands, and we ask Him to grant us understanding in the religion and steadfastness upon it, as well as sincerity in speech and deed. Indeed He is able to answer our prayers. As Somali man, I...