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    Video The Life of Cat Stevens and How he Became Muslim.

    al salamo alykom amena, sister i think you have a very good point here , i feel sorry for those who born muslim and dont know it , and trye there best to be like those who missguided ,we realy need this kind of video to posted not only in pakestan but in every muslim country, just to show those...
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    Video The Life of Cat Stevens and How he Became Muslim.

    al salamo alaykom brthers and sisters, sobhan allah lathdy men ahbebta aleek,in allah yahdy men yeshaa, as most of you know cat stevnson was a big hit in the 70's , but look at this famouse and walthy man who gave all that up , for the nemat of islam, allaho akber wa alhamdo lelah.
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    Video New Muslims After 911 Allison Poole & Barbara Cartabuke Muslim after september 11

    al salaam alaykom brthers and sisters, my heart get's wormer and biger evey time i see some one who was in the dark and cam to the light, al hamdo lelah alaa neamet al islam.
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    Video Brother Abu Hafsa Entering Islam!

    mashaallah, brothers and sisters ,this is really a touching story,i see a man who allah took his sight but open his heart, i pray my allah to guid all people to the noor of islam.
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    Baptism??? and Islam

    al salamo alaekom hanna my sister in islam my sister you are doing a very good job raising your kid on the way of islam and allah will give you ajore in shaa allah, any way my sister i tell you the same thing my brothers and sister told you, but i would like to add one more thing, rigarding...