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  1. I

    How is an intention supposed to be made in heart for Salah/wudhu??

    As salaamu alaikum PLease could someone help me with this intention question? Can someone just answer these questions for me regarding making an intention for salaah or wudhu, I used to know how to do it, but after this waswasa problem, I take about 5 mins to make an intention because I do...
  2. I

    How do you make intention - waswas?

    Assalaamu alaikum Please could someone help me regarding intentions? I am really suffering because of my waswas problems and I need to know how to make intention? I know that it is meant to be in the heart but what does that mean and how can someone make an intention from the heart? It takes...
  3. I

    Having Problems - intentions

    Assalamwaalaykum all, So it started a few months back and it still becoming worse every day, I have this problem with my intentions with wudu and salaah i just can't do it properly. When i enter the bathroom to go and make my wudu, I start off by thinking in my head the words 'O Allah, I am...