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  1. K

    Why is it that...?

    Why is it that everytime something sciencetfic is discovered people say its in the Quran AFTER its acutally discovered...why hasn't there been any science discovery because of the Quran?
  2. K

    Ways to get rid Of Black Magic (?)

    :wasalam: THanks for your replies. THe idea of her being under black magic did not come out of nowhere. Her mother had some weird dreams and so did she. I can't exactly describe the dreams but they were very disturbing and also it was not the first time this had happened in their family. Khair...
  3. K

    Ways to get rid Of Black Magic (?)

    AsalamOAlkium She is not sure if its black magic...but she tried soo many Surahs from the Quran that cure illness and none worked, Which is really weird because they should be working. She wants to aviod going to surgery, and she thinks its black magic. She has been reciting the last few Surahs...
  4. K


    thank you guysssss :girl3:
  5. K


    :salam2: Im just here to learn about islam : ) Just wanted to say HI
  6. K


    Yes InshaAllah ... Im not 100% why, but I asked my mom we were going to fast on the 10th, and she said no we fast on the 7th,8th and the 9th...rather on 10th we give out food. :S