؟هل يمكن لاحد ان يرى ملك الموت


الفقيره الى الله
السلام عليكم اخوتى و اخواتى
؟لقد قيل لى انه هناك فتاة قد رات ملك الموت فى اليوم الذى توفى فيه جدها فهل يمكن ان يحدث هذا
ايعقل ان يرى احد ملك الموت؟
تقول انها رات طيف احد يمشى مسرعا فهل ممكن ان يحدث؟
هل يمكن ان يعود احدا من الموت و هم ما يقال عنهم اولياء الله الصاحين ؟


Junior Member
salam alikom

our prophet bless be upon him ......... saw malak almawt when allah swt sent him to our prophet 'slaw'.......
but we as human being i don't think so, dearest sister, no one can see 'malak almawt'
.and allah konw more...

waslam alikom


La Ilaha Illa Allah
Staff member
Salam, #
do you have an authentic Proof that the Prophet sws saw malak almawt??
if yes, write it down with the source.
please dont write anything about the Prophet sws without an authentic hadith.


Junior Member
now i am confused

salaam 3lykum sisters and brothers.
did rasulallah sws see malaak almawt or not?
and for me sister i dont think that anyone can see angels.
salaam 3lykum