“I seek refuge with the Lord of the rising day;


'Millat "IBRAHIM" {AleyhiSalaam}
(113:1) Say: “I seek refuge with the Lord of the rising day; (113:2) from the evil of all that He created; (113:3) from the evil of night’s darkness when it spreads around; (113:4) from the evil of the women who blow on knots; (113:5) and from the evil of the envier when he envies.”


Assalaam alaikum,

We forget that the envier can be someone very close. We forget that many who follow shytan have knowledge. They can seem to be pious and intellectual. They lure you with seeming wisdom. Yet, like all deception their falsehood eventually comes to light.

I seek refuge with Allah from the deception of the duyna.