10 years as muslimah this week! Alhumduillah


Junior Member
Salam alaikum. I just realized after reading some posts at the forum that this week, I have been a muslim for 10 years!! CANNOT BELIEVE IT!! Alhumduillah for everything.......In fact, at the same time, its hard to believe that I have been anything else...I cant really remember being a nonmuslim........Subhanallah!! I have learned alot, met many wonderful muslims thru the years but still have soooooooooooooooo much to learn. Inshallah my laziness to learn more about Islam, such as my arabic, will go away. I have some arabic knowledge but not enough really. Inshallah Inshallah I will have new focuses on the next decade of my life. Inshallah. Inshallah my duas, salah and fasts have been accepted and I can become a better muslimah. :tti_sister:


Junior Member
Alhamdulillah , Baraka allah fiki
Inshalla Muslimah forever untill You enter the paradise bi ezn Allah

Inshallah your duas, salah and fasts have been accepted and U can become a better muslimah, Amin, Amin, Amin !!!

Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Salam alaikum. I just realized after reading some posts at the forum that this week, I have been a muslim for 10 years!! CANNOT BELIEVE IT!! Alhumduillah for everything.......In fact, at the same time, its hard to believe that I have been anything else...I cant really remember being a nonmuslim........Subhanallah!! I have learned alot, met many wonderful muslims thru the years but still have soooooooooooooooo much to learn. Inshallah my laziness to learn more about Islam, such as my arabic, will go away. I have some arabic knowledge but not enough really. Inshallah Inshallah I will have new focuses on the next decade of my life. Inshallah. Inshallah my duas, salah and fasts have been accepted and I can become a better muslimah. :tti_sister:

Waalaykummusalam wa rahmatullah,

MashaAllaah thats really great sis! I just want to know, are you the same age as I am? Because I saw the year beside your name :)

Anyways hope things are going well with you. InshaAllaah we all hope to learn more and more on our deen every single day. Well, yeah sometimes there are temptations - our own nafs, our surrounding but InshaAllaah with the strengths from Allaah, we will make it to be the best and learn as much as we can!

Dont forget to make dua'a for our Ummah. :)



Your Sister In Islam
Masha Allah ukhti, that's is so wonderful. As you just said, you have been a muslimah your whole life alhamdoullilllah. May Allah subhana wa ta'ala be pleased with you, amin.


Junior Member
salam alikoum
congratulations for your ten years in islam, may allah swt let you die as a muslimah , amee, and grant you the good of this life and the best of the next life ameen
salam alikoum