
What can i say Brothers and Sisters, i am 22 years old male from London, i born in Pakistan. I shouldn't say that but i was really a good Muslim(True Muslim) when i was little:salah: may be 12 years old. Every morning before the Fajar Prayer i used to wait 30 minutes for the IMAM(Qari, Mullah) to open the gate of Mosque to make some points, so he will give me a chance to read AZAN and i will be happy boy. It never happend becaue in few years i started losing my path and now i am 22 years old and strongly believe that i have lost my way, but from today i have decided that INSHAH ALLAH i will kill the devil is sitting in my heart and will stand on the same place i was in childhood. I read Quran when i was small but now i am really surprised that my IMAM didn't tought the meaning of Arabiq words in my own language that i studyed in QURAN. Now i have relised by my self that, what happend was wrong because it's not fair when my Language was URDU but he never explained me Quran in my language:angryred:.
Ok no blaim to anyone anymore, today i met my friend Yosuf in METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY who is really a good MUSLIM, i used to teas me but don't know why today i was begging my self to ask him if he has sometime to discuss about ISLAM. I just went to him and started listening what he was saying, i suddenly said something about ISLAM and he started talking about ISLAM and that's what really i wanted. I never listened to him before but today i was the person who made him to do this, i felt really good in the end of conversation and told him call me every time you are going to do something about ISLAM,
**I WANT TO CHANGE MY SELF** that's what i said him. From now i will be focusing on ISLAM, that's what really our life is about, this is my story that i wanted to share with you, if it does make a sence to you then good otherwise really sorry of wasting your time.



Junior Member
Salam Brother...Welcome to this forum :)...of course your story was not a waste of time to read...inshallah, allah guide you on the right path to jennah...we've all had problems with keeping our faith pure at one time or another...Inshallah, you will be able to benefit from this website...SALAM!!!!!!!!!


Junior Member
welcome bro :)))

:salam2: bro

Alhamdulillah :allahuakbar:
I am sooo elated whenever i read about those born muslims but kind of ignorant about their religion, find their way back to their deen especially at an early age...I :tti_sister: that they stay steadfasts this time around cos now they have more choices of gaining knowledge,,,either thru internet like TTI or books in many languages too and guess nafs will be the only hinderance:astag:
During my younger days when i craved for knowledge,especially islamic, there was no internet and u dont even see much of the books on sale,,,even the national library dont have them stocked.
Now im past half a century n discovered my deen :tti_sister: Alhamdulillah Allah Swt still havent given up on this ungrateful servant of his :SMILY23:

Im glad i have this site TTI to learn more about the deen and ARABIC too

Do enjoy ur stay and i hope u will benefit fm all the islamic videos/articles
here and increases both in knowledge and eeman :inshallah:

:wasalam: :hijabi:

Paki Idol

Defender of Islam
Allah shows His Light of Guidance to whom He wills.It maybe the emptiness of your life which made you focus on yourself and the reality about your existence.May Allah bless all Muslims with His Favours and mercy, Ameen!

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Yeah when I was a kid, like 7 or 8, I use to recite the Adhan but know I don't and I have a problem with my Salah like always getting my Zuhr and Asr latre, so I got aggreviated and started doing Salah in school but Mashallah I'll get out and becaome a mujahid fighter and go to the musjid with a good car (one that's not stupid and old that it'll break) but Inshallah things will come out good later. I also want to be a good muslim but I have a issue with my Quran and Salah cause my two other sisters and I compete for the computer, and they waste their time playing virtual sites like neopets and I get angry at them and make sure they can't waste their time and I'm wasting mine looking at them pray. I like to go to this site and seeing Islamic stuff and I love it when ther's always an Islamic CArtoon to watch.
Mashallah your problem will be solved brother.


Staff member
Assalamu Alaikum

:salam2: brother,

WeLcOmE to the website,learn about Islam & go to your local mosque.(Practice makes it perfect) Inshallah:blackhijab:
