a few questions...

salam alaykum

jz wanted to know a few things

1. is witr prayer only performed after praying tahajjud prayers or can it b performed before them?...is it must to recite dua qunoot or can i recite any other dua?

2. how do u pray witr?...is 3 rakaah or 1 rakaah?....if i pray 3 rakaah then in the last rakaah do i need to say Allahu akbar raise my hands like when i start prayer and then recite dua qunoot or any other dua?

3. how many rakaahs are there for dhuhr??....some people pray 4 sunnat , 4 fard and 2 sunnat while others pray 2 sunnat , 2 sunnat , 4 fard , 2 sunnat and 2 sunnat..........so which 1 is rite?....



Junior Member
ok. i might not be able to answer all ur questions, but here it goes.

witr is 3 rakah.

dhur - u can either do 2 or 4 sunnah before. then u have to do 4 fard. then u can do 2 other sunnah rakat. thats all.


Smile for Allah
Actually, Brother Ayman answered all your questions perfectly, but since you still have doubts, I'll give my own answers in my own words too:

1. Witr is the last prayer of the day. If you are going to read Tahajjud, then pray witr after Tahajjud. If you know you're not going to pray tahajjud, or you're not sure you'll be able to wake up for it, then you can pray Witr after Isha. Memorize dua qunoot, and that is best. I too just memorized it recently, it's not that difficult. But I"ve seen many people here in the subcontinent say that until you memorize it, you can read Ikhlas 3 times. (I did this for a while, but I feel its not proper)

2. Yes, if you read 3 rakat, after Al Fatiha, and one other dua, then you raise your hands say AllahuAkbar and recite Qunoot, then go in ruku.

3. Four sunnat, 4 fard, 2 sunnat, 2 nafl for zuhr.


I posted a thread about this, but I'm still confused on Witr. Can I read Only 1 rakat witr or does it ALWAYS have to be combined with 2 As Shaf rakats?


Travelling towards my grave.
wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

MashaAllah brother Ayman1 and sister Tabassum has answered your questions perfectly.

Know that Islam is the religion of Ease in all its affairs. It does not have any burden on us which we cannot carry. It has one way in most important Fards of it, and has different ways in Nawafils. Why? Because then only it will be easy for us to choose any option that fits into our Iman, Time, Willing Power and Ability. :)

Let me try to give my answers.

1. is witr prayer only performed after praying tahajjud prayers or can it b performed before them?...is it must to recite dua qunoot or can i recite any other dua?

Witr is the last prayer before Fajr. So we must try our best to make it last. But....

If you have done Witr and went to bed because you were not sure whether you will be able to wake-up later for Tahajjud, then what?

What you need to do is just to pray Tahajjud and DO NOT do another Witr. Because there will be only one Witr in each night.

As per Qunoot, yes you are highly recommended to say Qunoot in Ramdan Witrs. You can read it by holding a paper by your left hand, until you memorise it.

2. how do u pray witr?...is 3 rakaah or 1 rakaah?....if i pray 3 rakaah then in the last rakaah do i need to say Allahu akbar raise my hands like when i start prayer and then recite dua qunoot or any other dua?

In Islam, what I do is not important. But since you asked, let me tell that I do both 3 Rak'ahs and One Rak'ah too. It depends on time and situations.

Short way to perform Witr is 1 Rak'ah. Mid way is 3 Rak'ahs and Long way is 11 Rak'ah. When doing in Mid and Long way, you can perform all the Rak'ahs at once without any Tashahhud and make Tashahhud in the last Rak'ah.


You can do them 2 units by 2 units, making Tashahhud in every 2 unit, and + 1 Rak'ah to finish 11. If 3 Rak'ahs is chosen, then make 2 units, make Tashahhud and + 1 Rak'ah.

I am unaware about saying Takbeer (Allahu Akbar) when raising hands for Qunoot.

3. how many rakaahs are there for dhuhr??....some people pray 4 sunnat , 4 fard and 2 sunnat while others pray 2 sunnat , 2 sunnat , 4 fard , 2 sunnat and 2 sunnat..........so which 1 is rite?....

Zuhur has 4 Fard Rak'ahs. Thats all. We do not call its Sunnah as Duhur. Duhr has 2+2 sunnahs before and 2+2 sunnahs after.

Its is Narrated from rasoolullah (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) that if a person keep praying a particular 12 Rak'ahs of Nawafil (named as Highly recommended Rawaatib Sunnahs), after naming them all, Allah (subuhaanahu wata'aala) will build a Palace for Him in Jannah. [Those Sunnahs are, 2 before Fajr, 4 before Duhr, 2 after Duhr, 2 after Maghrib and 2 after Isha].

So you see 2 after and 4 before Duhr is included here. Although someone say its only 2 sunnahs after Duhur or if someone say its 2+2 sunnahs after it, that's not a problem. Both are correct. In both ways, 2 Rak'ahs are there, which is included in that 12 Rak'ahs mentioned in that Hadith.

I posted a thread about this, but I'm still confused on Witr. Can I read Only 1 rakat witr or does it ALWAYS have to be combined with 2 As Shaf rakats?

Hope I have answered this too. :)

Brother I hoe this helps you, without any confusion. Brother Ayman1's and sister Tabassum's answers are FULLY correct. You choose any option. :)

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


New Member

regarding the question about witr prayer,well the witr can be performe b4 tahajjud(meaning b4 sleep)and as well after tahajjud,because there is one narration of hadits the prophet (pbuh)performed witr b4 he sleep.

Due to yr 2nd question,witr must be performe in odd number of rakaah,that means 1,3 or sometime could be up to 15.It does'nt matter as long as in odd numbers.Witr must be performe with two unit of rakaah,for example if you intend to do 3 rakaah,first you must pray with 2 rakaah and salam,then onther 1 rakaah and salam,however doa qunut it is only addition it's ok if you recite it ,but it would for you and encourage to redite it.

About yr third question do umean solat Dhuha?


to Allah we belong
You cannot pray it (witr) before Tahajjud.

brother u r wrong. can u show the proofs for this?

witr is wajib in hanafi school but not tahajjud. so how do they pray witr then?

in short, u pray witr after isha.
before or after tahajjud..ur wish. But better after tahajjud.


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

Brother IbnAdam77 has given such a nice answer to the query. :)

I just wanted to point out about a correction related to Rawaatib Sunnah.

Its is Narrated from rasoolullah (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) that if a person keep praying a particular 12 Rak'ahs of Nawafil (named as Highly recommended Rawaatib Sunnahs), after naming them all, Allah (subuhaanahu wata'aala) will build a Palace for Him in Jannah. [Those Sunnahs are, 2 before Fajr, 2 before Duhr, 2 after Duhr, 2 before Asr, 2 after Maghrib and 2 after Isha].

"Allah will build a house in Heaven for whoever is diligent in observing 12 Sunnah Rak'aat (as follows): 4 Rak'aat before and 2 after the Dhuhr (Midday) Prayer, 2 after the Maghrib (Sunset Prayer), 2 after the ‘Ishaa’ (Evening) Prayer and 2 before the Fajr (Dawn) Prayer." Hadith sahih narrated by at-Tirmidhi No. 379 and by others. Hadith No. 6183 in Sahih al-Jaami


Travelling towards my grave.

Brother IbnAdam77 has given such a nice answer to the query. :)

I just wanted to point out about a correction related to Rawaatib Sunnah.

"Allah will build a house in Heaven for whoever is diligent in observing 12 Sunnah Rak'aat (as follows): 4 Rak'aat before and 2 after the Dhuhr (Midday) Prayer, 2 after the Maghrib (Sunset Prayer), 2 after the ‘Ishaa’ (Evening) Prayer and 2 before the Fajr (Dawn) Prayer." Hadith sahih narrated by at-Tirmidhi No. 379 and by others. Hadith No. 6183 in Sahih al-Jaami

wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Subuhaanallah! What a mistake that was. JazakAllahu every khair BrotherInIslam7.

I am correcting it now, so that people read it after this will not see it.

JazakAllahu khair once again brother.

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh