A question about Islamic terms...


New Member
Selam-un Aleykum to all!
I'm new to this site.So I don't know Islamic terms in English well...Here are some terms I know:

prayer::salah: Am I right?

wudu: To wash specific locations.(hands,arms,face,feet..) right?

to pray:du'a?

to bless:elhamdulillah?

These are Islamic terms I know.Please warn me if I'm wrong.

And I have one more question:

How do you use them?(for example:"doing prayer or making prayer?" or "doing wudu or taking wudu?")I'll be happy if you help me...Thanks.


Wa alaikum salam warahamtu-llah

may Allah help you to learn things.

some Arabic words actually cant be tranlated.


Salat: namaz/prayer

then others are:
dua: supplication/prayer
udhu: ablution
ghusl: complete ablution.

Alhamdu li Allah: Alla praise due to Allah
subhan Allah: Glorious is Allah
JazakAllahu khair: may everything happen good by the will of Allah
Barak Allahu feekum: may the barakah(blessings)of Allah be with you

something like these.
I hope you understand now



Junior Member
Assalamu Aleikom

I did not write this. I found this somewhere a long time ago and saved it. It helped me in the beginning to understand more. Some of these I have come to hear all the time, and some of them I have never heard anyone say before. I guess it depends on your level of exposure to Muslims.

If someone sees anything wrong that needs to be corrected, please feel free to do so.

The following Islamic expressions are frequently used by Muslims all over the world. Muslims' daily expressions seem to be closely related to religion, from simple greetings to future planning. The table below contains some of the most used expressions in Islam, I hope this will help you be familiar with various phrases in Islam. Good luck! Pronunciation in English Expression in Arabic scrip Meaning and what is it’s used for.

Alhamdulillah. الحمد لله Praise to Allah, used usually to express satisfaction, or after having finished eating… or if someone asks you how you were and you want to express that you’re satisfied.

Ashokrulillah. الشكر لله Thanks to Allah, used almost the same way as the one above.

Alhamdulillah w AShokrulillah. الحمد لله و الشكر لله Praise and Thanks to Allah, used to express a Full satisfaction for something. Accomplishing something, or your well-being or simply for having a very good meal.

Subhanallah. سبحان الله Glory to Allah, can be used in many places, for example if you heard something amazing and you want to express your amazement.

Mashallah. ما شاء الله What Allah wishes, used to express amazement almost like Subhanallah except that Mashallah is mainly for positive amazement, like if someone tells you “I have a daughter and she is 9” you can simply reply “mashallah” then add something if you want.

La ilaha illa Allah. لا إله إلا الله There is no god but Allah. Can be said any time.

Mohammadun Rasulu Allah. محمد رسول الله Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Usually comes after La ilaha illa Allah.

Allahu Akbar. الله أكبر Allah is great (greater), also can be used in a wide variety of places, often to show excitement.

La hawla wala quwata illa billah. لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله There is no change/ transformation nor power/ strength except through Allah, used in unfavorable situations beyond ones control, also to express dissatisfaction.

Bismillah. بسم الله In the name of Allah. Used to start something, whatever a Muslim wants to start (driving, eating, walking, reading …)

Bismillah Awaluhu wa Akhiruhu. بسم الله أوله و أخره “In the name of Allah, at its beginning and at its end” used mainly when someone forgets to say Bismillah before starting a meal and remembers that in the middle of the meal.

Bismillah Arrahman Arraheem. بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم In the name of Allah, the most gracious the most merciful. A full equivalent to “bismillah”, many Muslims use it before reciting the Qur’an.

Inshallah. إن شاء الله If Allah wills. Usually used to refer to planning to do a future action, I will do this … if Allah wills it.

Rahimakallah. رحمك الله May Allah have mercy on you, or May Allah bless you, the equivalent of “bless you” when you sneeze, it is said after someone sneezes.

Yarhamuka Allah. يرحمك الله May Allah have mercy on you “bless you”, same as the one above, and used in the same situations.

Yahdikumu Allah wa Yuslihu balakum. يهديكم الله و يصلح بالكم May Allah guide you and set your affairs right. This is used usually as an answer to someone who said “Rahimakallah” or “Yarhamuka Allah” to you after you sneezed.

Enna lillah wa enna elaihe Rajioun. إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون To Allah we belong, and to him we will return. Usually used when you hear someone died, or if you had a terrible lost (financial or personal).

Astaghfiru lillah. أستغفر الله I seek forgiveness from Allah. Commonly used when you think you did something wrong (a sin, cursed …).

Allahumma salli ala Muhammad. اللهم صلي على محمد Oh Allah bestow your mercy on Mohammed. A way to praise the prophet (PBUH).

Assalamu Alaikom. السلام عليكم Peace be upon you. A way of greetings used more widely and can be the equivalent of “hi, hello, good morning/ afternoon/ evening, good-bye, bye …) so it’s basically a way to greet and could be used in farewells.

Assalamu Alaikom warahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu. السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings. This is a full equivalent of the above mentioned greeting “Assalamu Alaikom”. It is considered to be more polite and more rewarding to use it.

Ash-hadu An laa Elaha Ella Allah wa Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan Rasulu Allah. أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول الله I bear witness that there is no other God but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of the Allah. This one is called “shahadah”, it’s one of the 5 main pillars of Islam, and that’s the first step to converting to Islam. Also used by Muslims to refresh their belief, it’s recommended to use it daily.

A-ozu billahi mena shaitaan Arrajeem أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed Satan “shaitan”. Used mainly when feeling unsafe or before entering unsafe places, or when scared by something (a bad dream …).

Baraka Allahu fika بارك الله فيك May Allah bestow his blessings on you. Used to wish someone blessings from Allah especially in return to a favor done by that person, the equivalent to “thank you very much”.

Tawakkalna ala Allah توكلنا على الله I place my “absolute” trust on Allah. Used before doing something, just like “bismillah”, they can even be used together. Used often when driving.

Ya Allah! يا ألله Oh Allah! Usually to ask Allah something. Sometimes used while doing something, like when lifting something heavy you say it to ask Allah for power, or if you’re in pain and you ask Allah to give you strength to bear that pain.

Ya Rab! يا رب Oh Allah! Used the same way as the one above “Ya Allah”. No difference at all.

Allahu A’lam الله أعلم Allah knows best. Said when not sure about something, or simply don’t know, could be the equivalent of “I don’t know.” “is it going to rain tomorrow?” – Allahu A’lam!

Jazaka Allahu Khairan جزاك الله خيرا May Allah reward you with all good. When someone does something good to you (gives you something, helps you with something …)


Junior Member
Sister Zain,

Thank you so much! This is wonderful!


I have two pdf's that a sister gave me. 1 is Muslim expressions and the other is Islamic dictionary-beginner but there is also a wonderful site I use all the time. www.islamic-dictionary.com

Good luck


Junior Member
I personally use the word "salaat" to mean the act of worship, and then "dua" to mean supplication ie prayer. Unfortunatly in English the word "pray" has so many meanings that its hard to say "our five daily prayers" and then say "I prayed for a good score on my test"...in one case its a worship in the other its a supplication.

So I use "salaat" for the actual act and then "dua" for when I am asking ALLAH for help.