A question for everyone


Junior Member
assalomoalaykom brothers and sisters :D

I hope every one is fine.inshaallah.
Here is my question: how do you believe the history will end?
Thanks in forward.:SMILY149:


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
It will end in the way Allah (swt) Has Willed for His creation..and allowed His prophet (saaws) to prophetize for us through the numerous hadiths about the signs of the last days of this earth...nevertheless should the history of this world (as we know it) end..then history of another standard will begin..and the latter is surely more magnificent than that first in that..during it..we will stand before our Judge and Lord (jalla wa 'ala)..and after it we will witness *immorality* unfold in epitome right before our eyes...I only ask Allah (swt) that it unfolds for us in His Jannah..amongst the faithful and the pious...



to Allah we belong
yes, the history will end.

and as all the minor signs have appeared, the end is near.

but are we prepared?


Junior Member
This is nothing from the Sunnah or the Quran, just my own useless opinions. Of course it will end with the final major signs (the last one being the sun rising from the west). But in the mean time, what will happen (other than the prophetic signs)?

Well my guess is technology will self destruct. Seems far fetched, however things cannot always be improving. Look at technology since the 1800s, it has always been on the rise.

The first thing we learn is: what goes up must come down. I can't say I know how it will end, we will have to wait and see..


"O lord forgive me "
wa alykom assalam :

the problem is not how the history will end , but the problem after the end where will I be ?