A small view into the Muslim reverts heart.


New Member
Thank you for the warm welcome and kind words. May Allah fill all of your hearts with his mercy and bless every day of your lives. I don't write as often these last few months as I have in the past. Life tends to get us down some days more than others when Allah chooses to test us. I pray that I may pass the test he has set before me at this stage of my life. Allah gave the gift of poetry to me and I pray that I do not let him down. I apologize to those who may respond to me in Arabic if I do not reply. I do not understand more than a few words yet.


Why Am I A Muslim?

“Why did I become a Muslim?” I hear you ask.
To explain the love of Allah is a monumental task.
How do you describe the serenity that overpowers your heart?
The feelings of compassion when you allow your faith to start?

How do I describe the darkness and the fear I felt inside?
How do I describe the emptiness and the pain I tried to hide?
When Allah opened up my soul and the love came flooding in,
How can I describe the awe I felt that I could finally hope again?

Allah gave me the mercy that I never felt before.
The more my heart was opened I knew His love was so much more.
Why am I a Muslim? Only Allah can really say.
With gratitude and happiness I will forever bow and pray.

Devotion and Submission

As I sit and ponder I feel the tears in my eyes.
There is no way for me to explain the awe I feel.
When Allah shows His mercy there can be no greater prize,
Than to humbly bow in prayer at how His majesty is real.

I spent my lifetime searching for things I thought I wanted.
Always seeking never finding the place where I belong.
Some days were good, some days were bad, but now I’m glad I waited.
In His own time He guided me to make my faith grow strong.

Devotion and submission, I finally understand.
Without a pure intention I would never find my way.
In all those years of searching the power was never in my hand,
But still Allah has answered when I bowed my head to pray.

Like every other Muslim I struggle to be strong,
But the path Allah has written can not be changed by man.
Alhamdulillah for Allah’s mercy I finally know where I belong.
Only true submission made me finally understand.


Staff member
Assalamu Alaykum sister,

That was a beautiful poem, I enjoyed it very much.



Staff member
Assalamu Alaykum Nightwind

thanks for sharing those words.. may Allah help us all.. in this life and give us all place in paradise....

wasalam :)


Junior Member
Salam alaikum ramatullahi wa barakatu, very nice poems sister. "When Allah wants good for a person He tries him." "The greatness of the recompense is relevant to the greatness of the trial, and when Allah, the Exalted loves a person He tries him. For whosoever accepts His punishment with forbearance is His pleasure, as for he who is displeased with it, there is His anger." When you are going through these difficult times just remember that Allah(SWT) is just testing you because He loves you, and after every hardship comes ease.


New Member
So beautiful

I am always so happy to see a poem posted by you sister.. they are so beautiful, and heart-felt to me.
Allah bless you ameen


Junior Member
Mashallah sister your words are really touching, it's hard to express how one feels with words but it gave me so much peace to read that

May Allah SWT Rewards you Ameen

May Allah SWT Guides us all towards His Divine Light

your poem gave me so much hope :)



Staff member
Assalamu Alaikum


Jazzak-Allah khair for sharing those beautiful words with us.(Really inspiring!):muslim_child:



Dream of His Slavery
:ma: repsected sister.

these are beautiful words.Can i post on page a muslime reverted sister?


urs bro in islam


Junior Member
SubhaanAllah how Allah changes hearts n how pure intentions paid at last.

Thanks for sharing such nice poems.