A tribute to you, my brother


Junior Member
A tribute to you, my brother

The dunya remains covered in despair and darkness

And many an eye sheds tears at the heartache and sadness

Yet forgetting their true purpose are Muslims from every land

While you, my brother, have taken a dignified stand

With each failure the enemy’s attacks change and evolve

But their desperation only serves to strengthen your resolve

They gather about you, seeking to cause doubt and arouse suspicion

For all their efforts, Allah willing, they will never destroy your noble mission

In a time when many are content solely with idle chatter and worldly gain

You have shunned such things, concerning yourself with your Ummah’s pain

The obstacles on the path you have chosen are like huge rocks and boulders

And the weight and responsibility of the dawah rests heavy on your shoulders

Though the task is mighty and at times you feel weak and helpless

When all conspires against you and you are overcome by distress

Remember your Prophet in the cave, and the footsteps that As-Sideeq heard

“What do you think, O Abu Bakr, about two when Allah is their third?”

So lift your spirits dear brother and move forward, with renewed hope in your heart

Put your trust in your Rabb, do not waiver for you too must play your part

As we usher in this Ramadan, the month of blessings and glory

Hasten your steps to a victory promised, for history one day will recount your story

When you fast by day and stand for prayer at night

Do not forget your brothers, like you, engaged in this fight

For all their hardships, they stand with you and share your vision, your dreams

By no means are you alone, surely yours is the noblest of teams

Forsake them not but remember them when you make your supplications

When you call out to your Lord with the best of invocations

He is the Al-Mighty, the Rabb of the A’lameen, men and jinn

Ar-Raheem, the Most Merciful, forgiver of sin

My brother, may He forgive your shortcomings this Ramadan and grant you every success

May He make you and me worthy of His victory, indeed I ask for no less

I pray He lightens your task for you and strengthens your iman

Makes firm your foothold, rewards you for all you have done

You are an inspiration for me, and for the sake of Allah I love you

Remain steadfast on this way; continue to do what you do

You are a flame burning bright, at a time when all hope seems lost

Illuminating the way for your Ummah, not caring for the great personal cost

Truly the goal is near, the Khilafah Rashidah for which you earnestly yearn

For long you have spilt blood and shed tears making it your concern

Now, by the leave of Allah, each passing day signals the coming of a new world

The shade of Allah, a cause to rejoice, bringing joy and peace and tranquillity untold


“So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are (true) believers” [Qu’ran 3:139]

“If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (alone) let the believers put their trust” [Qu’ran 3:160]​


Junior Member
jazakaAllah khair for this..very thought provoking. good reality check too, mashaAllah well addressed.


Pearl of Islaam

Thank you dear sister(brother for sharing with us this so beautiful and heart feeling poem Mashallah.

May Allah bless you and reword you and all Muslims.


Your sister Asja