Actions which invalidate the fast


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Actions which invalidate the fast

The actions that invalidate the Fast that have been mentioned in the Qur’an are three: Eating, Drinking and Sexual Intercourse.

The evidence for this is the saying of the Most High:

{So now have relations with them [your wives] and seek that which Allaah has ordained for you (offspring), and eat and drink until the white thread (light) of dawn appears to you distinct from the black thread (darkness of night), then complete your Saum (fast) till the nightfall.} [02:187]

First & Second: Eating and drinking

[This invalidates the Fast] regardless of whether it is Halaal (permissible) or Haraam (impermissible); beneficial to the body or harmful; regardless of whether it is small in amount or large.

Based upon this, smoking cigarettes invalidates [the fast] even though it is impermissible and harmful to the body.

Some of the scholars even said: if a man swallowed a bead, with the intention of breaking his fast, then it invalidates his fast even though there is no [nutritional] benefit from it to the body. Similarly, if he ate some bread dough that was impure, with the intention of breaking his fast, then it invalidates his fast even thought it is harmful to the body.

Third: Sexual intercourse.

This is the most serious type of action that invalidates the Fast. Due to it, a penalty of expiation is obligatory and it is: to free a slave. If one is not able to do so, then he must fast two months consecutively, if he is unable to do so then he must feed sixty poor people.

Fourth: The release of semen due to sexual desire.

If a person does this then his fast is invalidated, however he does not have to pay the penalty of expiation – this is restricted to sexual intercourse.

Fifth: To use injections that fulfil the need of food and drink i.e. injections that deliver nutrients to the body.

As for any injections that are not nutritious for the body, then they do not invalidate the fast, regardless of whether they are injected through the veins or muscles. This is because they are not classified as eating or drinking; nor do they take the place of food and drink.

Sixth: Intentional vomiting

If a person intentionally vomits then his fast becomes invalid. If however it is unintentional then there is nothing upon him (i.e his fast is correct and valid)

Seventh: The release of menstrual or post-natal blood.

If there is a release of menstrual or post-natal blood before sunset – even by a small time period – then the fast is invalid.

If however the menstrual or post-natal blood is released after sunset – even by a small time period – then her fast is correct and valid.

Reference: Risaalah 48 su.aal fee as-siyaam